Don't Worry Darling

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Author's Note: I was supposed to see this movie for my birthday, but I ended up not going, due to a change in plans. I ended up watching movie reviews instead, getting inspired to write this one shot. Now, this isn't accurate to the movie, due to the fact that I changed this up a lot, making it more my style. Please enjoy :)

One shots (Namjin):

Seokjin and Namjoon Chambers were an ordinary, happy couple.

They lived in a small one story house in the small town of Victory, California, moving there a couple months after getting married, seven years ago.

It was a perfect town where the husbands went to work at Victory Headquarters, while their wives stayed at home, doing the housework, and making dinner for when their husbands came home.

They weren't allowed to ask questions about their husbands work, or allowed to visit the Headquarters, due to the fact that they didn't work there.

But nobody seemed to question this, which was how the town remained a quiet, and peaceful town with a couple thousand people.

They just continued on with their lives, throwing dinner parties, and weekly gatherings, due to the fact that they were a close community.

That was until strange things started happening- causing the young man to get suspicious, knowing that something wasn't right.

And he was determined to get to the bottom of it.


The story starts on a normal summer morning.

The sun was beaming down over the desert, making the weather hot, but that was normal for in the middle of the desert California.

The young man was relaxing that morning, sunbathing on the back patio, his golden hazel eyes looking down at the pages of the book that he was reading.

He was reading peacefully, enjoying the silence that was surrounding him, even though it gave him a creepy feeling.

He couldn't understand, for example, why his husband Seokjin was so adamant on moving them to the small town in the first place.

I mean, he knew that part of it was for the job opportunity- due to the fact that the older male was struggling to find a job before they moved there- but that didn't mean that he liked it.

Plus, nobody asked questions, or were even curious to know what their husbands work was- because he himself was curious.

But he never asked questions, due to the fact that he wasn't allowed to- and he wasn't sure why that was.

His thoughts were interrupted by a gunshot, echoing throughout the town almost like a whip cracking at someone's back.

His eyebrows furrowed in confusion, and he placed his bookmark inside his book, before closing it, setting it down onto the lounge chair that he was sitting on.

He then walked through the neighborhood, trying to find the source of the gunshot, while doing his best to ignore the strange gut feeling.

Something wasn't right. He just didn't know why he felt that way.

He stopped walking when he reached the house of one of his neighbors, his eyes looking at the pool of blood that was surrounding the body that laid on the bright green grass.

He recognized her as his neighbor, Nancy- a young teenager, who moved to the town a couple months ago with her older boyfriend, Milo.

They kept to themselves, meaning that they avoided the weekly gatherings and monthly dinner parties, causing them to become isolated among the community.

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