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Author's Note: I'm not a religious person, but I was inspired to write this after reading a book called Miracles from Heaven, about this girl who felled thirty ft. through a hollow tree, and survived- it's a good story, I recommend. This is different, since I didn't want to copy 100%,  but still has my own unique twist on it. 

One shots (Namjoon):

🎤 All the lights in the world are pouring down.

I want to know what's going to happen next.

The sunrise, sunrise, looking, looking at you.

Even in an uncertain future, it's getting a little closer.

The more I get closer, the farther it gets.

I'm in fear.

I'll be waiting.

My burning heart will not hold on.

I'll send you all of me, so that you remember me. 🎤

Namjoon Kim has always been a happy child.

He had wonderful parents, along with two older brothers, Seokjin and Taehyung, who absolutely adored him.

He was a shy and quiet child, who grew up in a rural farming community located in the MidWest.

It was a small community where everyone knew each other, meaning that it was rare to get outsiders.

His father worked as a farmer, while his mother was a stay at home mother, taking care of all three of their children.

And they were a close family- always having family movie nights or game nights, etc- and were very religious, since their parents were raised that way themselves.

Unfortunately, though, they also went through some financial struggles.

For example, their youngest son, Namjoon, had a premature birth.

He was born a couple weeks early, meaning that he was placed onto a ventilator, and had to be monitored 24/7.

Which wasn't easy for his parents, since they had two other children to take care of, but they kept praying, hoping that he would get better.

He didn't.

In fact, his condition just got worse, and the doctors found that his lungs weren't fully developed, causing him to have breathing problems.

He couldn't go anywhere without a small inhaler, and found himself inside multiple hospitals- even some in different states.

They just wanted their youngest son to be as comfortable as possible, even though they knew how much he hated the appointments.

The hospitals. The testing. The needles.

They never stopped praying, though, hoping that some sort of miracle would find their small family, and bless them with good news.

That never came, however, and the Kim family found themselves stuck in the endless cycle of appointments, and the youngest son always getting left out of certain activities.

That was until something life changing happened.


The year was 2012.

It was just another typical year for the Kim family, filled with doctors appointments, and hospital trips, etc.

But it was also a year that the small family of five would never forget.

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