Only Murders in the Building

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Author's Note: I'm obsessed with this TV show, which is why I decided to write this, putting my own spin onto the whole story. I changed the names, of course, and you might be confused if you haven't seen thus, so proceeded with cation. I might not make a part two to this, since I like how this ends, but who knows. Maybe I will someday

One shots (Namjoon):

The Arconia was a luxurious apartment building, located on the Upper West Side of Manhattan, New York.

It was home to business men, and retired actors, along with singers, who had lots of money to afford the high rent of the luxurious apartment.

It was a fourteen floor apartment building, consisting of a courtyard in the middle of it, having a fountain that sprayed water 24/7.

And, located on the twelve floor, in apartment E, was a twenty six year old male named Namjoon Mornings.

He was house sitting for his Uncle Seokjin, who was away in Europe on a business trip, trusting his nephew with his apartment while he was gone.

He was a bright young man, who graduated top of his class in highschool, having a bright future ahead of him.

He had dreams to become a fashion designer, but was looked down upon by his family members- mainly his mothers side of the family.

His mother came from a wealthy background, as her parents were the owners of a chain of hotels throughout the East Coast of the country- hence how his Uncle was able to afford his luxurious apartment.

His fathers side of the family, on the other hand, accepted his dreams of becoming a fashion designer, supporting the fact that he worked from home, drawing on his tablet.

He still lived with his parents, growing up in the poor city of Bayport, New York, on Long Island.

He was used to growing up in a dangerous area, surrounded by gangs, only visiting his mothers side of the family during the Holidays.

That was, until his Uncle Seokjin reached out, asking him to house sit his apartment.

The two of them weren't close by any means- due to the older male being his mothers older brother- but he accepted the offer, liking the idea of having peace and quiet for once.

Besides, he's been to his Uncle's apartment before, meaning that he was familiar with the neighbors, and the layout of the place.

He was reassured, though, that he didn't have to pay rent- all he had to do was watch over the apartment, and stay out of trouble.

He told his Uncle that nothing bad would happen, before getting himself unpacked and settled in.

Now, he mainly kept to himself- due to the fact that he was reserved, after something that happened ten years ago.

He didn't like talking about the past, but something happened that made him lose trust in people.

We'll get more into that later, though.


The story starts on a regular winter morning.

The weather was cold, and there was snow on the ground; the young man drawing on his tablet from the comfort of the couch in the living room.

It was your normal penthouse apartment- with an open living room, and kitchen, along with a connected bedroom, bathroom, and balcony.

He was focused on his drawing- trying his best to get the outfit perfect- while listening to his favorite true crime podcast.

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