Permission to Dance

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Author's Note: I was inspired to write this one shot after reading a mystery thriller. Obviously this is my own take on the story, and wont be exactly the same as the book- because that would be plagiarizing. I hope you enjoy this, and I'll be back on Friday :)

One shots (Namseok/Namjin):

🎤 When the nights get colder, and the rhythms got you falling behind.

Just dream about that moment, when you look yourself right in the eye, eye, eye.

Then you say.

I wanna dance, the music's got me going.

Ain't nothing that can stop how we move, yeah.

Let's break our plans and live just like we're golden.

And roll in like we're dancing fools.

We don't need to worry, 'cause when we fall, we know how to land.

Don't need to talk the talk, just walk the walk tonight.

'Cause we don't need permission to dance. 🎤

Hoseok and Namjoon Jung were famous child stars.

They first rose to fame on a popular sitcom titled First Class, which followed a family living a upper class lifestyle.

The show was successful, skyrocketing the identical twins to fame, causing them to have different reactions.

The older twin, Hoseok, loved being in the spotlight and in front of the camera, loving all the attention.

While the younger twin, Namjoon, on the other hand, didn't like being in the spotlight, wanting a normal life instead.

But nope- his older brother had to propel him to fame, because in his eyes it was either both of them or none of them.

He didn't even care about what the younger male wanted, being selfish in that way, since he only thought about himself.

Which is when the problems started.

When they were fifteen, the younger brother started using edibles to cope with his depression, helping him feel more in control with his life.

He started acting out, being hostile against his older brother, and father, blaming him for their fame.

Because, if you didn't know, their father was a single father, who enrolled his sons into an acting audition as a last minute resort to make money.

And, after the audition was successful, he started profiting off his sons, making money off them.

Which bothered Namjoon drastically, due to the fact that he never wanted this life- wanting a normal childhood instead.

He didn't like being in the public spotlight, growing up knowing that everybody was going to judge him- even though he was a kid trying to find himself.

Even as a teenager it got to the point where he was judged for everything that he did- which started his rebellion phase against his family and the entertainment industry.

His drug addiction eventually turned into alcoholism, and for the next ten years he battled an addiction against both drugs and alcohol.

He would go to parties, mix alcohol and weed, not caring that he was destroying his public image.

Why would he care if he never wanted this? He didn't.

He didn't even care that he was destroying his relationship with his older brother- they used to be close as children, sharing the same bedroom, due to the fact that the younger male had severe insomnia.

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