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Author's Note: I'm sorry for the late upload, I forgot that it's Wednesday lol. I'm sorry that this one shot seems so rushed, I wrote the first part a couple months ago, but wrote the second part yesterday evening. So I'm sorry if it seems so over the place 

One shots (BTS):

🎤 Your eyes whispered, "Have we met?"

'Cross the room your silhouette starts to make its way to me.

The playful conversation starts, counter all your quick remarks, like passing notes in secrecy.

And it was enchanting to meet you.

All I can say is, I was enchanted to meet you.

This night is sparkling, don't you let it go.

I'm wonderstruck, blushing all the way home.

I'll spend forever wondering if you knew, I was enchanted to meet you. 🎤

Hogwarts was a magical place.

It was a castle located in the highlands of Scotland, concealed with magic so that humans wouldn't see it.

That was standard protocol, since the wizards lived among the humans for centuries, never once revealing themselves.

They wanted to maintain peace throughout the muggles- which was what they called non magical folks- mainly living in the countryside.

Or at least that was how pure blooded wizards lived- away from human eyes, so that they could perform their magic in peace.

There were also the half-bloods also, who lived among the humans, having both muggle and wizard blood.

They were the children of both muggle born and wizarding parents, which brings me to my next point.

There were also muggle born wizards.

Now they were the children of muggle parents, being the only wizards in their families- which can be quite hard and can result in jealousy throughout the family.

Today's story, however, follows a pure blooded wizard, who came from a long successful line of wizards.

His father was a famous Auror, while his mother was a famous Quidditch player, who retired after she started a family with her husband.

They ended up having eight children together, all becoming successful in their own ways.

Their oldest son, Xavier, was a famous author, writing about the different species that he discovered while travelling the world.

He currently lives in France with his fiance, Dianna, and their three year old son, Thomas.

Their second and third oldest son's, Lewis, and Austin, were fraternal twins, who went on to open their own joke shop in Diagon Alley.

They were very successful, having good reputations as being the class clowns back when they went to Hogwarts, which helped boost their business.

They weren't married, being perfectly single, but their parents didn't mind.

Their fourth oldest son, Bartholomew, was a successful Auror, alongside his younger sister, Daphne, who was their parents fifth oldest.

She was also the only girl in a family of all boys, which was hard at times, since her brothers could be quite annoying at times.

She still loved them, though, especially her younger brother, Liam, who was their parent's sixth oldest son.

He was also the most outgoing out of the family- if that was even possible- always helping his oldest brothers prank their siblings.

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