Northern Downpour

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One shots (Namjoon):

🎤 Hey moon, please, forget to fall down.

Hey moon, don't you go down.

Sugarcane in the easy morning.

Weathervanes, my one and lonely. 🎤

The Kim family was a close knit family.

They lived on a farm in the rural countryside, basically in the middle of nowhere.

It's been in their family for generations- getting passed down to the oldest male for centuries.

In this case though, it was actually the youngest son, Seokjin, who got the farm, due to the fact that his older brother didn't want it.

He was a single father, who was living in the city, due to the fact that it was easier to support his young child.

And the younger male supported that decision, before fixing the farm, and starting a family of his own.

He married a young woman named Juliet, before having a son, only four years later.

They named him Namjoon, due to the fact that he was a calm child with chestnut brown hair, and golden hazel eyes.

They absolutely adored him, showering him in love and support whenever they could, wanting the best for him.

They wanted him to have the best life possible, wanting him to be close with both of them, knowing that they would support any dream that he would have.

Unfortunately however, something would happen that would change their view on life forever.

When he was six years old, his father, Seokjin, had an accident.

He was fixing the roof that day, working carefully, while taking the time to watch his son, who was playing in the front yard at the same time.

Before he knew it though, he ended up falling off the roof backwards, landing on the grass behind the farm house.

It was actually his son who realized that something was wrong, due to the fact that one minute his father was waving him from the roof, while the next minute he was gone.

Which concerned him.

He walked back inside the house, before picking up the landline phone that was sitting on a shelf in the living room.

His eyes were filled with confusion, due to the fact that the buttons confused him- he didn't know what any of them meant.

He knew however, that there was a special set of numbers that he had to call in case of an emergency.

He pressed that special set of numbers, before listening as the phone started ringing, stopping only a couple of minutes later.

"911," a sweet sounding voice said on the other side of the line, reminding the six year old of his mother, Juliet.

"What's your emergency?"

"My daddy had an accident," he just said, his tone of voice shaking, showing the person on the other side of the line that he was going to cry.

"An accident? Can you explain, sweetie."

He just cried into the phone, causing the emergency dispatcher to trace the call, before she sent a medical team to check things out.

She stayed with him on the line, until the medical team arrived, scanning the area.

Nothing seemed out of the ordinary, until they saw the young man who was lying on the grass unconscious.

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