Dance, Dance

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Author's Note: This one shot took me four whole days to write, due to how complex the story line is. This took a lot of planning, and I hope you enjoy it :)

One shots (Seokjin):

🎤 I'm two quarters and a half down, and I don't want to forget how your voice sounds.

These words are all I have so I'll write them, so you need them just to get by.

Dance, dance.

We're falling apart to half time.

Dance, dance.

And these are the lives you want to lead.

Dance, this is the way they'd love, if they knew how misery loved me. 🎤

Seokjin Kim was your normal, everyday college student.

He was popular, having a loving boyfriend, along with parents who supported him, and his life goals.

He was a straight A student, who rarley partied, preferring to spend all his time studying for upcoming tests and quizzes.

Unfortunately though, everything ended up falling apart one day.

It started when he went to a party, getting dragged there by his boyfriend, who wouldn't take no for an answer.

He wanted the older male to have fun for once, instead of missing out, due to the fact that he was always stuck in his dorm room.

They both ended up drinking that night, becoming totally wasted, which lead to the older male making some life changes decisions.

He ended up cheating on his boyfriend- who just so happened to be his highschool sweetheart- becoming pregnant, knowing that he had no choice but to tell his boyfriend what happened.

And it wasn't an easy conversation- since they were both devastated, deciding to break up, going their separate ways.

He also told his parents, who disowned him, reporting him to the college board, who expelled him, due to his reckless behavior.

They also banned parties in general, but that didn't matter to Seokjin, whose life started falling apart piece by piece.

He lost his family, his friends, his boyfriend, along with his reputation, all in the blink of an eye.

He found hismelf moving into a homeless shelter for omegas- one that helped them get back onto their feet.

He also fell into a state of depression after that, but tried his best to stay healthy, knowing that he would have to give birth in nine months.

And, before he knew it, that day came.

He ended up giving birth to a healthy baby boy with chestnut brown hair, and golden hazel eyes, looking a lot like his alpha father.

He named him Namjoon- which meant genius in Korean- knowing that he would grow up to have a successful life, one without him.

Because that was his plan- he planned to give his son up for adoption, knowing that he couldn't raise him.

I mean, he was living in an omegas homeless shelter, and wasn't financially stable enough to raise a child.

He didn't even have a job yet.

Surprisingly however, before he could sign away his parental rights, his ex-boyfriend showed up at the hospital room, visiting him for the first time since their breakup.

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