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One shots (Namjin):

🎤 What's the worst that I can say?

Things are better if I stay.

So long and goodnight.

So long and goodnight.

And if you carry on this way, things are better if I stay.

So long and goodnight.

So long and goodnight. 🎤

The sun was shining over the city of Seoul, which was busy during the day, filled with cars driving to work, or people running errands.

Located on the side of a busy main road was an office building that was built out of red brick, with a door that led to the bar underneath it.

It was in the upstairs room where our story takes place, behind a clear white washed door that had a silver plague on the front of it.

Kim Private Detectives, the sign read, sparking a metallic color in the morning sunlight, which shoned through the opened windows into the building.

It was a two story building, with a bar on the floor underneath the office, like I stated earlier.

While the second floor was a normal office building, equipped with multiple different chairs, along with a black leather couch and a bulletin board that was used to organize pictures.

There were two men inside the office that morning, both dressed in identical looking suits, located on different sides of the room.

Those were the Kim brothers, Seokjin and Namjoon.

They were fraternal twins- only five minutes apart in age- who started their own private detective agency, due to their love for true crime.

The oldest male was Seokjin, who was standing in the middle of the room in front of the bulletin board, taking down the pictures that remained from their last case.

He had black hair, which was brushed back neatly on top of his head, along with dark brown eyes that were focused on the task at hand.

While the youngest male was Namjoon, who was lying on the black leather couch that was sitting underneath the opened window.

He had chestnut brown hair, which was messy on top of his head, along with golden hazel eyes that were looking up at the ceiling, filled with boredom.

He just groaned, before moving onto his side, so that he was no longer underneath the hot, early morning sun.

"I need a drink," he muttered to nobody in particular, looking at his wristwatch when he said those words; groaning again when he saw that it was only seven thirty in the morning.

His older brother just smiled in response, continuing to put the pictures away, clearing the bulletin board for their next client.

"Relax, Joon," he said, keeping his tone of voice calm, with a hint of friendly teasing to it, which was normal for the two brothers.

They were always teasing and being playful with each other.

"I'm sure there'll be some clients this afternoon. Besides, isn't it a little early for a drink?"

His younger brother just looked at him with golden hazel eyes that were filled with uninterest, before opening his mouth to say something.

But before he could, however, the office phone rang, getting the attention of the older brother, who was standing next to the desk that held the landline phone.

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