Spring Day (Korean)

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Author's Note: I wrote this a couple months ago, but never published it. I don't know why, I just never got around to editing it, until now. This is the Korean version of the song, the Japanese version will be coming soon :)

One shots (Namjin):

🎤 Snowflakes fall down, and fall apart little by little.

I miss you (I miss you).

I miss you (I miss you).

How long do I have to wait?

How many nights do I have to pass to see you? (To see you).

To meet you? (To meet you).

Pass the end of winter's cold.

Until the spring day comes again.

Until the flower blooms again.

Please stay, please stay there a little longer. 🎤

Seokjin Kim has never had the happiest life.

Both his parents were neglecting growing up, which left his oldest sister in charge of the family.

He was the youngest of six children, meaning that he was the most spoiled growing up, being raised by his oldest siblings.

Which was sad to be honest, since his parents were always working and never around- due to their father being a famous defense lawyer, and their mother being an accountant.

They were still active in their children's lives though, just not as much as they were expected to be.

That was why he was diagnosed with depression at a young age, needing to take medication just to feel some sort of happiness.

But right now, however, he was the happiest that he's ever been.

He was holding his newborn son in his arms, cooing softly, watching as the newborn's golden hazel eyes looked around the white hospital room in curiosity.

That was his son, Jungkook.

His husband, Namjoon, on the other hand, was lying on the hospital bed, hooked up to multiple machines that were monitoring his health.

He's just got done going through a ten hour birth, which was why the older male was letting him rest that morning.

He knew that the younger male deserved it- especially after the nine rough months that he's been through.

He continued watching his newborn son with a smile on his face, bouncing him up and down gently, trying to be as quiet as possible.

Since, you know, he wanted to be respectful, and let his husband sleep for as long as possible.

I mean, someone had to stay awake and watch their son.

"Seokjin?" A voice muttered groggily from behind him- one that he recognized as belonging to the younger male, Namjoon.

"Where's Jungkook?"

"I've got him, babe," he just replied, turning around and reassuring the younger male through his tone of voice that their son was fine.

He walked towards the hospital bed, continuing to carry his newborn son in his arms; his dark brown eyes making contact with his husband's golden hazel ones.

There was a dimpled smile on his face, and he gently took the newborn from the older males arms, before guiding his head towards his exposed nipple.

He flinched uncomfortably at the feeling, but knew that breastfeeding was just part of being an omega.

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