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One shots (Namjoon):

🎤 You're my only Bambi, Bambi. It's a perfect night for you.

Come down, night rain, night rain.

Dripping down on us all night until the morning.

Bambi, Bam-Bambi, Bambi, Bambi.

Bambi, Bam-Bambi, Bambi, Bambi.

You're so precious, I can't take it.

You are dreamy, Bambi, Bambi, yeah. 🎤

The rain was falling down softly, covering the ground in a light layer of rain.

A young man, who was no older than twenty one years old, was walking down the silent streets, which were lit up by the silver glow of the moon.

He was wearing a long black coat, with a matching suit underneath, his hands buried in the pockets of the coat.

His chestnut brown hair was wet from the rain, and his golden hazel eyes were focused on the dark streets in front of him, getting to his destination the only thing on his mind.

He was on his way to a local bar- a bar that was open twenty four hours, one that he visited often, even though he was trying his hardest to get sober.

That's right folks; the young man was a recovering alcoholic, which was caused by a horrible breakup.

A breakup with his ex-girlfriend that he wanted to forget, as it caused him to spiral out of control, pulling all nighters drinking bottle after bottle of alcohol.

Which wasn't a good thing, especially since he was living with his older brother, Seokjin, who was older than him by five years.

And his brother, who worked as a detective for the Seoul Police Department, decided to place him in rehab himself, after realizing how bad his younger brother's addiction was.

So far, though, Namjoon was only six months sober, but considering the fact that he met up in a bar for his job, his sobriety wasn't lasting very long.

What was his job? You may ask.

I'll explain that in a minute.

He stopped walking when he reached the bar, his golden hazel eyes getting blinded by the florescent lighting of the open twenty four hours sign.

He walked inside, immediately getting welcomed by the warm heat of the building, which was nicer than the cold spring rain that Seoul was getting.

He sat down at the bar, ordering a shot of whiskey, making sure to only order shots while he was there.

As he was still a recovering alcoholic, after all, and couldn't afford to relapse, knowing that his older brother was watching him like a hawk would for its prey.

Or at least that was what Seokjin thought he was doing.

Because what he didn't know was what his younger brother did for a living; thinking that Namjoon was unemployed, staying with him until he became fully sober.

But, in reality, the younger male was actually a freelance assassin, getting hired by local Mafia leaders to do their dirty work for them.

And he liked his job, honestly; it paid really well, better than his old job which paid minimum wage, and it gave him connections.

Connections that his brother, who was a detective, didn't have; plus, he was friendly with the Mafia leaders, having good relationships with them.

Which was how he was able to survive doing his job so well; besides, he would never betray the Mafia.

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