Kura Kura

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One shots (Minjoon):

🎤 When your eyes meet, my heartbeat and time itself stop.

A world with just two of us will get tiring.

We've lost ourselves in passion when I'm with you.

I got absorbed into an eternity.

Dizzy, dizzy, dizzy (Twice!)

It's like magic, babe.

Can't predict my trembling heart.

Tremble, tremble, tremble, tremble (Twice!)

Sweet magic, isn't it?

Those eyes, that smile (You're mine, come on, come on).

Those hands and words (You're mine, come here, come here).

I've always wanted only you.

Restless, restless, restless, restless.

Look, look, look, look, it's alright. 🎤

Kim Namjoon had a crush on Park Jimin.

It first started when he noticed the younger male sitting in the back of the classroom during one of the classes that they shared together- okay, only class, but a man can dream.

He had black hair, along with brown eyes, and always wore the softest oversized sweaters with sweater paws, remaining the older male of a little kid.

There was nothing wrong with that though, and he just wanted to walk up to the younger male and introduce himself and ask him out, instead of admiring him from a couple miles away.

But, he knew however, that the younger male would never want to date someone like him.

You see, dear readers, Namjoon was transgender.

He first discovered that he was trans when he was sixteen, during his junior year of highschool, when he started feeling uncomfortable in his body.

And, sure, he was afraid to talk to his family about it, but eventually worked up the courage to tell him, getting overwhelmed by all the support that he was getting.

He was happy nonetheless, though, and was thankful that he had supportive parents and two older brothers, Seokjin and Taehyung, who helped him through his transition.

They lived in different cities, however, meaning that he didn't see them that much, due to them living hours away.

They did speak over the phone daily, but that wasn't the same as seeing his older brothers in person.

He was used to being alone, though, due to being an independent person, living on campus in a dorm by himself.

He didn't have a roommate, due to the fact that he joined the semester late, meaning that the only dorm room available was a single person one.

That didn't matter to him, since he was the youngest of three children, and cherished his privacy, which he never got back home.

Anyways. Moving on.

The weather was warm that day, the perfect weather for spring, with a slight breeze that felt nice on the young man's tan skin.

He was sitting on a park bench in front of the fountain on campus, his golden hazel eyes flickering back and forth between the pond, and the book that he was holding in his hands.

He was enjoying the silence that was surrounding him, since it made it easier for him to concentrate, as he needed to read this book for his American Literature class.

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