Drivers License

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Author's Note: I think that this is one of my favorite one shots that I've ever written, and I did write this is a different style that I've never wrote in before. If you enjoy it, then I might write in this style again, just to switch things up a bit

One shots (Namjin):

🎤 And I know we weren't perfect, but I've never felt this way for no one.

And I just can't imagine how you could be so okay, now that I'm gone.

Guess you didn't mean what you wrote in that song about me.

'Cause you said forever, now I drive alone past your street. 🎤

The music blared through the car speakers, echoing through the rough silence like a bad memory that you couldn't get rid of.

A young man was sitting in the driver's seat, not caring that the heavy rain poured against his car, drowning the area in deep pools of water.

His chestnut brown hair was messy against his head, and there were tears falling out of his golden hazel eyes which were looking down at a photograph that was being held in his right hand.

It was a photograph of him and his boyfriend, Seokjin, which was taken a couple years ago when they were still happily in love.

About a couple hours ago he caught the older male cheating on him with a blonde woman.

Yeah, a woman of all people.

He felt used honestly, because it was clear to him that his boyfriend- well, I should really say ex-boyfriend- didn't love him.

I mean, it seemed that way, since he never actually came out and said that he was gay specifically- he never said he was bisexual either.

It didn't matter to the young man though; what really mattered was deciding what was best for him.

Stay in the relationship with Seokjin? Or leave it? He wasn't exactly sure what he wanted to do.

He continued crying, not even bothering to wipe the tears off his face, ignoring the sounds of his cell phone vibrating from the inside of his jacket pocket.

He knew that it was the older male trying to get a hold of him, as that's all that he's been doing since he stormed out of the apartment building in anger- since he's never imagined his highschool sweetheart cheating on him.

🎤 And all my friends are tired of hearing how much I miss you.

But I kinda feel sorry for them, 'cause they'll never know you the way that I do, yeah.

Today, I drove through the suburbs, and pictured I was driving home to you. 🎤

He turned the radio up, hoping to drown at the sounds of rain, which was distracting him from his thoughts.

He didn't know what to do, honestly.

He was still in love with Seokjin, he knew that, and was even considering proposing to him on their next anniversary- I mean, he's already bought the engagement ring and everything.

Guess that plan is out the window.

He laughed bitterly when he remembered that, dropping the photo in the process, not caring that it landed on the floor by the glass pettel.

🎤 And I know we weren't perfect, but I've never felt this way for no one, oh.

And I just can't imagine how you could be so okay, now that I'm gone.

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