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Trigger Warning: Mentions of drugs and drug overdose. If this triggers you, please skip to the next part. 

One shots (Namjin):

🎤 The lights we chase, the nights we steel.

The things that we take, to make us feel this way.

I can't go back, don't think that I will.

I won't sleep tonight as long as I still hear the drums of the city rain. 🎤

Namjoon has always looked up to his older brother, Seokjin.

They were eight years apart in age, being born in the same city, growing up with the same parents.

They grew up with loving parents, in a not too big but not too small one story house; the two brothers sharing a room growing up, due to their parents wanting the house to have a guest room.

And, to be honest, the two brothers weren't close, due to the fact that they were eight years apart.

Plus, they were always fighting, either petty arguments or full out violent fights with something getting thrown and someone getting injured.

Besides that, though, Namjoon still looked up to his older brother, finding the other male to be a good role model.

He was a straight A student, with a bright future ahead of him, who was always interested in both cooking and acting, wanting to major in one of those when he was older.

But, unfortunately though, something changed.

When Namjoon was eleven years old, his older brother, Seokjin, you know, who used to be his role model, suffered from a drug overdose.

He didn't really understand what happened at the time, since he was so young; all he knew was that his brother wasn't breathing one morning, causing their parents to drive him to the hospital.

He remembered though, how stressed out his parents were, and how they started muttering things to each other; things that included rehab and therapy.

Which, again, he didn't really understand at the time; but as he grew older, however, everything started to become clear to him.

Seokjin's drug addiction started during his junior year of high school.

He remembered his parents arguing with his older brother all the time, always violent fights that were getting out of hand.

He also remembered that period of time, when he was eight years old, was when his brother started to get distant.

Not just towards him, though, but also towards his family and friends.

And he just thought that this was because his older brother was a teenager; I mean, his parents were always saying that teenagers needed space, and time to themselves.

But, Namjoon didn't believe this though, since it was obvious to him, even though he was so young, that something was wrong with Seokjin.

I mean, his brother always had bags under his eyes, and he was moody 24/7, lashing out on both him and their parents.

The main thing that was concerning, though, was the fact that his older brother always smelled funny; a smell that was stronger than the smell of smoke.

Besides this, he also started noticing the fact that their parents started keeping them apart; separating them at the dinner table, and making the younger male sleep permanently in the guest bedroom.

I mean, he wasn't even allowed to visit his older brother in the hospital after his drug overdose, which didn't make sense due to how young he was.

But when he got older, however, everything started to make sense: his brother becoming distant, the strange smell and the hospital visit.

He knew the reasoning behind all of those things was his older brother's drug addition.

Which made him heartbroken; that Seokjin, who he looked up to and admired, relied on drugs to escape his problems, which just made everything worse for it.

It just made Namjoon absolutely heartbroken.

After his older brother got released from the hospital, though, he was enrolled in both rehab and therapy by their parents.

And, not going to lie, Seokjin hated it at first, but his younger brother turned out to be his biggest supporter.

He was always visiting him at the rehab center, even though he was told not to by his parents, and always encouraging his older brother to recover, so he could live his dream.

Which was to either be a famous chef or famous actor, like mentioned earlier.

This was always bringing a smile to Seokjin's face, since his younger brother- his baby brother- was always there for him, visiting him at the rehab center, either doing homework silently, or talking about the latest book that he read.

Honestly, this just made the two brothers even more closer, especially since Namjoon finally revealed to his older brother how he always looked up to him and admired him.

And that made the older male look at his younger brother in a different light; not just as a brother, but as a friend also.

A best friend.

The two of them have been close ever since, even surprising their parents one day after Seokjin was released from the rehab center.

They were surprised at how close their two sons were; even more surprised though, when they stated that they wanted to share a bedroom again.

Their parents didn't object, though, allowing their two sons to share a room again, confident that they wouldn't have a drug overdose on their hands again.

And, they didn't; to their luck, their oldest son has been clean ever since, all thanks to their youngest son.

Who knew that the ending wouldn't have been a happy one if he never told his older brother that he was his role model.

It was clear that be was grateful that he had someone like Seokjin in his life. 

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