(I Never Promised You A) Rose Garden

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Author's Note: This is a long song, somewhere over 2,000 words, and I'm quite proud of how this turned out. Please enjoy, and I'll see you on Wednesday :)

One shots (Seokjin):

🎤 Well, if sweet talking you could make it come true.

I would give you the world right now on a silver platter.

But what would it matter?

So smile for a while and let's be jolly.

Love shouldn't be so melancholy.

Come along and share the good times while we can.

I beg your pardon.

I never promised you a rose garden.

Along with the sunshine, there's gotta be a little rain sometimes.

I beg your pardon.

I never promised you a rose garden. 🎤

Miranda Kent was hopelessly in love.

It all started when she was asked by her handsome- but poor- neighbor, Seokjin Kim, to babysit his three children, due to the fact that he had a job interview that evening.

"I'm afraid I can't pay you much," he told her that day, his tone of voice exhausted sounding, while a small smile appeared on his face.

She could tell that it was a forced smile- most likely due to how exhausted he was- but she didn't mind, giving him a small smile back.

"Why me?" She asked him, beginning to feel awkward, standing in the doorway of her apartment in her pajamas.

"Well, according to the older ladies in the lobby, you have a heart of gold, and are always kind towards everyone, no matter their living situations."

He looked embarrassed when he said that, due to the fact that his clothes were ripped and tattered, unlike her pristine and brand new pajamas.

She just told him, however, that she would love to do it, reassuring him that there was nothing to worry about.

"I'll be glad to watch your children, Seokjin," saying those words with such a friendly tone of voice, causing his face to flush a light shade of pink.

"Thank you," he just muttered, before telling her that he'll see her at seven, when his interview started.

He disappeared inside his own apartment after that, closing the door in her face, before she could see inside his apartment.

Almost like he was hiding something.

She just shook that thought aside though, knowing that it was just her overthinking again.

Besides, everyone who lived in their apartment building knew who Seokjin was- the hobo (but handsome) looking man, who lived on the third floor of their building.

He was always disheveled looking, wearing clothes that were ripped and tattered, having dirt on his face- almost like he had no sense of personal hygiene.

And, to her surprise, his apartment ended up looking the exact same way.

There were dirty dishes piled up in the sink, and the wallpaper was faded, and there were holes in the wall, no doubt home to mice.

But what worried her more however, were the three children, who were sitting on the couch, looking absolutely miserable.

There was dirt on their faces, and their clothes were torn, while their hair was matted, along with tangled.

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