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Trigger Warning: Mentions of murder and attempted murder. If this triggers you, please do not read. Thank you

One shots (Seokjin):

🎤 With a taste of your lips, I'm on a ride.

You're toxic, I'm slipping under.

With a taste of a poison paradise, I'm addicted to you.

Don't you know that you're toxic?

And I love what you do, don't you know that you're toxic? 🎤

Seokjin didn't have the best relationship with his younger brother Namjoon.

They were twelve years apart in age- one brother born in 1992, the other one born in 2004- meaning that they weren't close growing up, due to their age gap.

Which was understandable, since Seokjin was twelve when his younger brother was born, meaning that he didn't want to be an older brother.

I mean, he was always feeling left out, since their parents were always focusing on Namjoon instead of him- always spending time with him, etc.

That was why he was always distancing himself from his younger brother- even though he knew that their parents wanted them to bond.

He didn't want that.

He just wanted everything to go back to the way it was, before his younger brother was born.

That was until everything changed in late 2010.

When Seokjin was eighteen years old, and Namjoon was six years old, their parents died in a robbery gone wrong.

The oldest brother was at his friends house that evening, spending the night, but the youngest brother, however, was home with their parents.

Which meant that he was woken up by the sound of glass shattering, eventually witnessing their parents murder from the top of the stairs.

He just stayed silent, though, holding back his tears, waiting until the robber left, since he didn't want to get shot himself.

That plan didn't go so well, however, since he let out a loud sob, which caught the attention of the robber, who ended up shooting him in the arm, before leaving the house empty handed.

And the gunshots ended up catching the attention of a neighbor, who called the police after reporting that there were three gunshots, which came from her neighbors house.

Because Namjoon witnessed the murder of their parents, he was diagnosed with PTSD, and given medication for it, along with endless amounts of therapy, so he could try to cope with what happened.

He was also legally adopted by his older brother, who, after learning about what happened to their parents, rushed home, telling the police who he was, while trying to comfort his younger brother.

He didn't adopt his younger brother because he wanted to, but because he knew that it was what their parents would've wanted.

Yeah, it was hard at first, living without their parents, but they eventually got over their death.

Or at least Seokjin did, since he refused to talk about them, pretending like they were just on a really long vacation; like nothing bad happened.

While Namjoon, on the other hand, never forgot about their murder, especially since he had nightmares about it every night, resulting in him developing insomnia.

He took sleeping pills for it, but, on the days where he couldn't sleep, he would sometimes sleep with his older brother, who grew annoyed with the younger males habit.

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