Seize the Day

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Author's Note: I wrote this a couple months ago, based off one of my all time favorite musicals. There is a book that goes along with this, and I'll be posting that onto my AO3 over the next couple of days, so keep an eye out for that 

One shots (Namjin):

🎤 Now is the time to seize the day.

Stand down the odds and seize the day.

Minute by minute that's how you win it.

We will find a way, but let us seize the day.

Courage cannot erase our fear.

Courage is when we face our fear.

Tell those with power safe in their tower, we will not obey! 🎤

Seokjin and Namjoon Kim were the leaders of the newsboy strike of 1899.

They were brothers, being only two years apart, working as newspaper delivery boys, living in a lodging house with a bunch of the other children.

Their mother was deceased, and their father was incarcerated at the state penitentiary, meaning that both boys grew up at the local orphanage, in rough and harsh conditions.

Because that was the problem.

The orphans were treated like prisoners, always doing physical labor, and getting beaten whenever they slacked off or broke a rule.

And that definitely didn't help the fact that New York City was heavily populated by child labor, especially during the late 1800's; businesses basically getting away with having children workers.

There were child workers in the nearby factories, and other businesses; the children being beaten by their employers on a daily basis.

Which caused Seokjin to protect Namjoon when they were growing up; as he didn't want his younger brother to be one of those children sent to work in the factories.

To his relief though, that never happened; in fact, they were both released from the orphanage when they were teenagers, finding themselves living on the streets, working as newspaper delivery boys.

Even now, at just nineteen and seventeen years old, they were still working as newspaper delivery boys, even though they hated their job.

It didn't pay very well- or at all really- but it did give them a roof over their heads, even if the lodging house that they lived in was located in the poverty ridden part of the city.

It also gave them something that they never had- a family; a group of other orphans working the same job that they were, living in the same lodging house.

And both Seokjin and Namjoon grew to love the other boys that they worked and lived with, throughout the last couple of years, considering them family.

Which was something that they never had, since their mother was deceased and they never met their father, who was incarcerated behind bars.

They were dropped off at the orphanage gates by their father when they were only four and two years old, staying there ever since.

Well, until they were released from the orphanage when they were thirteen and eleven years old, that is, since they where the perfect age to get a job, contributing to the already bad child labor.

They were able to get a job at a local newspaper company, The New York World, delivering newspapers to passerbys, doing the same thing every morning.

And, sure, it wasn't the funnest job, or paid the greatest, and they were living in a lodging house with the other children, but they knew that there was nothing they could do about it.

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