Don't Let The Light Go Out

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Author's Note: I've watched this music video a thousands times, and I have no idea what's happening, but in my mind its about a man who's haunted by his past. This is a short one, and I'm not making a part two, since it's supposed to end this way. I hope you enjoy :)

One shots (Namjoon):

🎤 Deep breaths from the room where I watch you lie.

Any beat from your heart gets me through the night.

You're my love, you're my death, you're my alibi.

Say this isn't goodbye.

Who's gonna drive me home tonight?

Who's gonna argue 'til they win the fight?

You're the only one that knows how to operate.

My heavy machinery.

Don't let the light go out.

Don't let the light go out.

Don't let the light go out.

Don't let the light go out. 🎤

The suburbs of Los Angeles were silent at night.

A young man was driving through his neighborhood, taking his time, due to the fact that he liked the peaceful silence of the night time.

He was driving his older brother's car, who never really used it, since he worked from home- only going into the office for meetings, etc.

He wasn't really sure what his job was, just knew that he was a businessman of some sorts- with the kind of power that only a CEO would have.

And he was rusty when it came to driving, due to the fact that he's been in prison for the past ten years, meaning that his driver's license most likely expired by now.

His older brother was able to get it renewed, however, just in time for his release- which he's been looking forward to, honestly.

I mean, it was nice to be a free man again, even though people gave him dirty looks every time they spotted him in public.

Why? You may ask.

Because he went to prison for the murder of his girlfriend, Daniella.

She died in a car crash- a car crash that they were both involved in- meaning that the police thought that it was an accident at first.

That was, until they discovered that the car was tampered with- making her boyfriend their number one suspect.

He claimed that he didn't do it- that he was innocent- but that didn't stop the police from convicting the one person that was close to the victim.

I mean, they lived together, and were seen arguing the day the car accident happened- meaning that they were convinced that he did it.

He didn't- or at least that was what he claimed- and it didn't help that he suffered from paranoid schizophrenia, one of the most severe mental health issues.

He was found guilty of her murder, and was sentenced to ten years inside a psychiatric facility- which was technically a prison for people that wouldn't survive inside a regular prison.

And he remained there for ten years, before getting released, moving in with his older brother, Seokjin.

Which brings us up to date.

He turned onto his neighborhood, while his right hand played around with the radio, not satisfied with the songs that were playing.

That was why he turned off the radio, finding himself stopping the car in front of the house, instead of parking it in the driveway.

He sat in the driver's seat for a couple minutes, trying his best to shake off his uneasiness.

He knew that his paranoid schizophrenia was playing tricks on him, but everything felt so real- the faces that flashed before his eyes felt so real.

He was a young man who was haunted by his past- literally.

He was convicted of a crime that he didn't commit, and knew that the murderer- the person that sabotage their car that day- was still out there.

And he was afraid that he would be next.

He shook that thought aside, before getting out of the car, closing the door behind him.

He then locked the car, before walking towards the front door, and opening it slowly, knowing how squeaky the door could be.

He closed it after that, before turning the light on, which seemed to be the only thing that stopped his paranoia- even the medications that he was taking didn't seem to help.

If only he knew that a masked figure was standing on the other side of the road, watching his every move. 

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