Viva Las Vengeance

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Author's Note: This song came out yesterday meaning that I wrote this one shot in a day. This means that I'm not satisfied with how this came out, and might rewrite it. But, for now, please enjoy. 

One shots (Namgi):

🎤 Giving up the key to paint a masterpiece.

What am I doing here?

Stick in here in the weeds, on a road that leads to nowhere.

To nowhere.

To nowhere.

To nowhere.

To nowhere.

To nowhere.

To nowhere.

To nowhere.

Shut up and go to bed.

Viva Las Vengeance. 🎤

Las Vegas was one of the biggest cities in all of the United States.

It was located in the state of Nevada, and was known for having the highest counts of gambling throughout the country.

Two of the biggest casinos in the state were Wynn and Encore, which were luxury hotels that only rich people could afford.

And it was at one of these casinos where today's story takes place.

A young man was standing at the bar, smoking some marijuana, dressed in a classy and expensive looking suit.

His chestnut brown hair was styled nicely on top of his head, and his golden hazel eyes were rimmed with red, showing the nearby people how high he was.

He was standing straight with perfect posture, leaning his back against the bar, his right hand holding the weed, while his left hand was gripped around a glass of whiskey.

He was waiting for his husband, Yoongi, that evening, who was currently somewhere in the crowd, probably forgetting that he existed.

His husband was invited to a work event at the casino that evening, and of course he dragged him along, even though he wasn't a gambler himself.

He was a casual drinker though, and only accompanied the older male that evening, once he found out about the open bar.

Plus, you could smoke inside the casino, which again caused him to go, since he was a normal marijuana smoker, along with his husband.

That was actually how they met- meeting each other at a marijuana dispensary, before dating about a year later.

And, now they were married for almost a full year, just as madly in love as they were when they first started dating.

Or at least Yoongi was, being head over heels in love with the younger male, like how he was when he first proposed.

But, Namjoon, on the other hand, was another story.

It wasn't anything bad, per say, as he was still in love with his husband, he was just insecure in his relationship.

The older male, for example, was a famous CEO of one of the most well known companies in all of the country.

While the younger male, however, was a failed author, who tried several times to make it as an author, only to fail every time.

He eventually gave up, before becoming a stay at home parent for their adoptive son, Jimin, who they adopted a couple months before their wedding.

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