The Run and Go

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Trigger Warning: Mentions of stalking, abuse, and minor character death. If any of this bothers you, skip to the next part. Thank you!

One shots (Namjoon):

🎤 Don't wanna call you in the night time, don't wanna give you all my pieces.

Don't wanna hand you all my trouble, don't wanna give you all my demons.

You'll have to watch me struggle from several rooms away.

But tonight I'll need you to stay. 🎤

This is the story about a twenty four year old man named Namjoon Kim.

He was born in the fall of 1987, in the city of Seoul, South Korea, to the parents of Iseul and Soyeon Kim.

He had an older brother named Seokjin, who was three years older than him; a brother who he had a good relationship with growing up.

They rarely fought or argued, and were always bonding over their favorite TV shows, movies, and bands; they weren't only brothers, but best friends also.

He graduated top of his class during highschool, before moving into a small apartment only a couple minutes away from his parents house, enrolling himself into the local community college.

He was able to graduate with a major in teaching, getting a job as a middle school teacher, teaching sixth graders.

And he loved his job; he loved the students, the parents, along with his coworkers, and boss, seeing them as another family.

He was an extremely outgoing and extroverted person, always going out on his days off, meeting new people and making new friends.

But unfortunately for him, though, one of the people that he met was a girl named Freya Song.

She was new to the city of Seoul, originally from the town of Busan, which was only a couple hours away.

She had long dark brown hair and beautiful caramel colored eyes, which reminded him of his own which were a golden hazel color.

She was slim in figure, fitting the beauty standards perfectly, down to her face shape and skinny figure.

To say that she was beautiful was an understatement, because she was; she really was.

She was perfect in the young man's eyes, with a personality that was similar to his own.

Almost too perfect; which was where the problems came in.

Namjoon was too head over heels in love with her to realize how toxic their relationship was.

She was texting him 24/7, always trying to control his every move, getting jealous very easily.

She would even come over to his work or apartment unannounced, and uninvited, just to see what he was up to.

She was also easily paranoid, believing that he was cheating on her when he didn't reply to her texts right away, or if he left her on read.

She also had bad anger issues, which wasn't a good thing- especially since she started getting more and more violent with him, threatening his life, etc.

And it eventually got to the point where Namjoon himself, after getting help from his friends and family, started realizing that a normal relationship wasn't like this.

So he broke things off with Freya in late 2010, when they were only twenty three year old, blocking her number, wanting to start fresh with a clean slate.

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