From This Moment On

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Author's Note: This is a sad one, meaning that I cried (more like full on sobbed) when writing this. If any of you guys cry when reading this, please know that you're not alone. Thank you :)

One shots (Namjin/Namgi):

🎤 I give my hand to you with all my heart.

I can't wait to live my life with you, I can't wait to start.

You and I will never be apart.

My dreams came true because of you.

From this moment, as long as I live, I will love you.

I promise you this.

There is nothing that I wouldn't give, from this moment on, oh.

You're the reason I believe in love.

And you're the answer to my prayers from you above.

All we need is just the two of us.

My dreams come true because of you.

From this moment on, as long as I live, I will love you.

I promise you this.

There is nothing that I wouldn't give, from this moment on. 🎤

Namjoon Kim had a seemingly perfect life.

He was the head editor at the New York Times, living in the city of Manhattan with his long time partner, and husband, Seokjin.

They've been dating for fourteen years, and were madly in love with each other, due to the fact that they've been dating since highschool.

They were inseparable, and did everything together, including walking their beloved dog, Moni, who loved running around the dog park.

They were high school sweet sweethearts, promising to stay together forever, until the day they died.

That was until something threatened to tear them apart- the older male, Seokjin, was diagnosed with cancer.

It was devastating news to the couple, especially since they started noticing the changes in the older males behavior.

He was a wedding photographer- meaning that he was always on his feet, moving around.

Unfortunately though, they started noticing how exhausted he was, always needing to capture his breath after doing simple tasks.

Like walking up the stairs, for example.

He was also in extreme pain, and always needed to rest, which made his job difficult.

Everything clicked into place, however, once he was diagnosed with cancer.

He was immediately given treatment, and his husband, Namjoon, never left his side, always going with him to the hospital- staying there overnight if he had to.

He's never been a religious person, but he found himself praying to God, telling him to watch over the older male.

He wanted him to heal, and get better- wanting him to return home, so that they could spend the rest of their lives together.

Overtime, however, it was made pretty clear that that wasn't going to happen- it was obvious to him that Seokjin wasn't going to make it.

"Promise me, Joon," the older male told him one evening, eleven months later, his tone of voice frail, while his dark brown eyes looked into his husband's golden hazel ones.

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