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One shots (Namgi):

🎤 Get out of my way, yah!

I'll show you how I like it.

Do it my way, yah!

And it goes like broom, broom, broom, broom.

Get out of my way, yah!

Raise your head, and look at me, face it.

Do it my way, yah!

And it goes like broom, broom, broom, broom.

I'm getting higher.

You're tripping lower.

And when I say it's done, it's freaking over.

And I, I ride it, I ride it.

You like it when I ride it.

I ride it, I ride it (Gimme that). 🎤

Namjoon Kim has always had a standoffish personality.

He was also a show off, who loved to brag, loving the attention that he got on a daily basis.

He was popular at his college, along with his boyfriend, Yoongi Min, as they were the power couple of the school.

So when his boyfriend dumped him for another man, he knew that he needed to show the entire school that he wasn't affected by the breakup at all.

In fact, he was thriving from it.

That was why on the first Monday after the breakup, he showed up at the school riding a motorcycle.

It was his older brother, Seokjin's, who was a professional race car driver, but he didn't mind letting his younger brother borrow it.

As long as he didn't crash it, of course.

And just like he expected, everybody looked at him and whispered, no doubt spreading some sort of gossip.

Perfect. Everything was going according to plan.

He even smiled widely, when he noticed his ex-boyfriend and his new boyfriend Jimin standing a couple feet away from the entrance way, their mouths opened wide.

He just winked at them, before walking through the campus gates, disappearing through the large crowd, towards his first class of the day.

He wanted to make his ex-boyfriend, Yoongi, jealous- you know, show him the kind of guy that he was missing out on.

And, it was working.


The gossip never died down the entire day.

The young man didn't mind though, since that was what he wanted- he wanted people to talk about the break up, and the fact that he was thriving from it.

And that was the truth- he wasn't bothered by the fact that Yoongi dumped him.

I mean, they used to be in love with each other, and he knew that his love died down through the years.

Which made sense, due to the fact that he knew that the older male was cheating on him with his current boyfriend, Jimin.

That bothered him at first, but now it didn't, because he knew that the younger male could treat him better than he could.

As the older male has always been shy and quiet, along with extremely grumpy at times, while he was aggressive and cold- basically a stereotypical rich kid.

The younger male, on the other hand, has always been talkative, and outgoing, along with passionate about his hobbies, getting a degree in dance.

Meaning that they would balance each other out, and Namjoon couldn't care less about the fact that his ex-boyfriend dumped him to be with someone else.

He wasn't in love with the older male, and he knew that, meaning that he wasn't affected by the breakup one bit.

That was the truth.

He was standing next to his motorcycle that afternoon, a half hour after his last class ended, texting his brother that he was going to return the bike that evening.

And he was so focused on what he was doing that he didn't notice a certain male walk toward him.

He had black hair, along with light brown eyes, and had both hands in his trouser pockets, walking slowly towards his ex-boyfriend.

"I didn't know you owned a motorcycle, Joon," he blurted out, keeping his tone of voice calm, while getting the brunette haired males attention.

He furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, before looking up from his cell phone, his golden hazel eyes meeting the older males light brown ones.

"There's a lot about me you don't know, hyung," he just replied, a little confused as to why the older male was talking to him.

They haven't talked a lot since the breakup, which was both rough and messy for the most part.

And he wouldn't be surprised if they became distant after this- I mean, he wouldn't care either way.

"It's Seokjin hyung's, isn't it?" He said again, interrupting the younger male from his train of thought, and getting a sheepish smile out of him.

"You've caught me hyung."

There was silence between them after that, an uncomfortable one, since neither of them knew what to say to each other.

"I'm sorry," the ravenette haired male spoke up, after what seemed like a couple minutes of standing silently.

"I didn't mean to break up with you, Namjoon. It was just that Jimin didn't want to be the mistress, and..."

"Yoongi," his ex-boyfriend spoke up, using the older males first name instead of the normal honorifics.

"It's in the past, and I don't mind. Really. I mean, I realize now that I wasn't really in love with you."

"Oh," the older male just breathed out, since that answer wasn't what he was expecting.

He wasn't expecting those words to be said, and he honestly came there to get back together again.

"I guess it'll be pointless to say that I want you back then."

He just heard the younger male sigh, watching as he slipped his cell phone back into his back pocket, avoiding eye contact.

"I appreciate the sentiment, hyung," he said, keeping his tone of voice calm, sounding confident with his words.

"But you're with Jimin now, and what'll be the point since I obviously stayed that I'm no longer in love with you."

He watched as the ravenette haired male nodded at his words, an expression of sadness appearing on his face.

"Right," he responded back, watching as the younger male got onto his motorcycle, starting the engine.

"I guess this is a goodbye then, Namjoon."

He walked away after that, leaving the brunette haired male alone to his thoughts, not noticing as a small smile appeared on his face.

At least someone will be happy for once, he thought to himself, knowing that he'll most likely spend his entire life alone.

I mean, who would want to date someone who's aggressive with anger issues.

No one would.

He shook those thoughts aside, before using his foot to raise the kickstand, driving away from the college, and towards his older brother's place.

He had to return the motorcycle, after all. 

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