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One shots (Namjin):

Namjoon Song never knew his parents.

He was raised by his grandfather in a small town located in South Korea, somewhere on the Southeastern side.

He was raised with traditional values and beliefs- like, for example, betas were the whores of society, while omegas were breeding machines, made for alphas, who were higher rank.

He was an omega himself, meaning that he was raised being told that he was nothing but a slut, who was made for having children.

Plus, his grandfather was quite abusive, along with an alcoholic, meaning that he was alone most of the time, forced to get a part time job.

Which is how he found himself the waiter at a local restaurant.

It was owned by the pack leaders, who were known for being kind and generous throughout their small town.

They had two children- both sons- who helped run the restaurant, which is one reason why he applied for a job in the first place.

He had a crush on their youngest son, Seokjin, who was a handsome alpha with black hair and dark brown eyes, having a bubbly and outgoing personality.

He was always chatting with the employees, and cracking dad jokes- some that were bad, while others were mediocre.

Anyways, they were only two months apart in age, but he knew that the older male wouldn't be interested in someone like him.

I mean, he wasn't wealthy, or proper, raised in a lower class family that didn't have a lot of money.

If only he knew that his crush was returned.

In fact, the older male indeed had a crush on him, always watching him from afar, but never talking to him.

He was scared- scared to approach the young omega, who was reserved and soft spoken.

That was until one day when he finally got the courage to approach the younger male, who just looked at him with golden hazel eyes filled with disbelief.

That was the start of a friendship though- one that quickly became romantic as the months passed by, neither male being able to take their hands off each other.

They made love often, always using protection, due to the fact that they were young- only nineteen.

They also opened up to each other, talking about their home lives, and about how everything wasn't as perfect as it seemed.

Like, for example, the older male opened up about his parents favoritism, while his boyfriend talked about his abusive grandfather.

"I never knew my parents," he told him that evening, their arms wrapped around each other, while close to tears.

"They died when I was three, that's all I know."

He sobbed loudly into the older males chest, who just pulled him closer, doing his best to comfort him.

They promised to tell each other everything after that, knowing that relationships were about trust, instead of just love.

They wanted to show each other that they trusted one another, determined to always be there for each other.

That was until something happened.


"I think I'm pregnant," he told his boyfriend one morning, a couple months later, his tone of voice calm, while filled with emotion.

BTS One ShotsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora