Habits (Stay High)

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Trigger Warning: Mentions of cheating, smoking, adult language. Don't read if any of these makes you uncomfortable. Thank you. 

One shots (Namgi):

🎤 You're gone and I gotta stay high all the time to keep you off my mind.

High all the time to keep you off my mind.

Spend my days locked in a haze trying to forget you babe.

I fall back down.

Gotta stay high all my life to forget I'm missing you. 🎤

Namjoon took a drag from his cigarette, watching as the smoke disappeared into the cold early winter air.

He was standing on the balcony of his older brother, Seokjin's, apartment building, as he knew that he couldn't smoke inside the building due to the no smoking policy.

Which was bullshit in his opinion, but maybe that was because he was so used to it.

He wasn't addicted to smoking per say, he just did it every once in a while to release some built up stress that he got from either work or his relationship.

In this case it was the stress from his relationship that he was trying to forget.

He recently moved in with his older brother, sister in law, Jisoo, and four year old nephew, Taehyung, after breaking up with his boyfriend of six years.

He walked in on his boyfriend, Yoongi Min, cheating on him with another male; one that he didn't recognize.

But that wasn't the worst of it.

The worst part of it, though, was the fact that it happened on their sixth year anniversary.

Yes, that's right.

He walked in on his boyfriend cheating on him on their sixth year anniversary.

And that honestly fucking sucked.

He remembered taking a half day from work, so he would be able to spend the rest of the evening and night with his boyfriend.

The love of his life.

Or at least that was the plan anyways, which ended up falling apart when he got home, which was empty besides the sounds that were coming from the bedroom that they shared.

He thought nothing of it at the time, he just thought that his boyfriend was watching porn or something, as, you know, they were grown adults in their late twenties that could watch whatever they wanted.

But when he opened the bedroom door, however, that was when he saw it: his boyfriend of six years on top of someone else.

And the worst part was that they were both naked if you know what I mean.

Which could only mean that his boyfriend was cheating on him; on their sixth year anniversary of all days.

Namjoon was furious, which was understandable.

He not only kicked the other male- who looked a lot younger than them if he's being honest- out of the apartment, but he also argued with Yoongi before packing his bags and heading towards his older brother's apartment.

Hence where he was right now.

He took another drag of his cigarette while keeping his golden hazel eyes focused on the city below- as he was on the ninth floor- ignoring his cell phone which was buzzing in his coat pocket.

He knew that it was his boyfriend, Yoongi, who's been trying to contact him since the breakup.

And he knew that he just wanted to talk about it, probably making up an excuse right then and there about how it didn't mean anything.

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