More Little Joonie

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One shots (Namjin):

Seokjin and Namjoon were as lovey-dovey as other couples.

They've been dating since their sophomore year of college, after an entire year of being friends.

They were majoring in different subjects, yes, as the older male was majoring in culinary arts, while the younger male was majoring in a teaching degree.

But that didn't stop them from hanging out whenever they could, however, since they were absolutely madly in love with each other.

It didn't matter if they hung out at the campus cafe, or at one of their dorms- all that mattered was that they were together.

They had a serious relationship, and actually moved in together after graduating highschool, which worked well for the two males.

Especially since the younger male, Namjoon, was a little.

He discovered that he was a little during high school, but, unfortunately, had no hope that he would ever find a caregiver.

That was until the older male came along and changed that entire mindset.

When he first found out that his boyfriend was a little, Seokjin was ecstatic.

In fact, he's always wanted to be a caregiver himself, especially since his best friend's boyfriend, Hoseok, was a little himself.

And, to be honest, he was always jealous of Yoongi and his boyfriend, and was always talking about how he wanted a little for himself.

That was until he started dating the younger male, finding out that he was a little himself.

He was overjoyed, to be honest.

Right now, the couple was sitting on the couch in their living room, listening to the sound of the rain on the top of their roof.

It was raining pretty heavily outside, almost like the world was drowning, due the heavy amounts of rain that they were getting.

The older male was sitting on the couch that evening, his dark brown eyes focused on the rom com that was playing on the TV in front of him.

While the younger male was in little space, of course, and was sitting on the floor in front of the couch, his golden hazel eyes focused on the coloring book that was in his lap.

He may have been twenty seven in his normal age, but in little space he was six, which was the age that he was now.

He was coloring silently in the coloring book, paying no attention to the rom com that was on the TV or his caregiver, who was watching the movie silently on the couch behind him.

Okay, sure, he did glance at the little periodically, especially since he knew how much his fiancé hated thunderstorms- mainly in little space.

And everything was going well for the two of them- that was until some loud thunder sounded, before the lights went out, drowning the apartment in darkness.

But before the younger male could freak out- since his little space self had a phobia of the dark- Seokjin turned on his cell phone flashlight, using it to look around the room.

That was when he noticed his fiancé crying silently on the floor, his color book and crayons discarded on the floor next to him.

He just smiled softly, since he was used to being a caregiver at this point, before getting off the couch, and sitting next to the younger male on the floor.

"It's okay, Joonie; you're okay," he just stated, keeping his tone of voice nice and calm, beginning to run his hand through his fiancé's chestnut brown hair.

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