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Author's Note: In honor of the 2022 Winter Olympics ending today, I thought I would write a one shots based on one of my favorite sports, Figure Skating. I was going to write one for Snowboarding but I thought that was too complicated. SO I wrote this instead! Enjoy 

Champion (Namjoon):

🎤 I'm just young enough to still believe, still believe.

But young enough not to know what to believe in.

Young enough not to know what to believe in.

If I can live through this.

If I can live through this.

If I can live through this.

I can do anything.

Champion. Champion. 🎤

Namjoon Kim was a professional Olympic figure skater.

He was just twenty one years old when he won his first gold medal for the men's individual freestyle figure skating event.

He was ecstatic that day; remembering hugging his coach, and jumping with joy when it was announced that his score brought him into first place, causing him to win the gold medal.

He was the youngest person in South Korea to win a gold medal at the Olympics.

And he couldn't wait to celebrate back home with his boyfriend, Seokjin, and his family, and friends.

But first, before we get into that, let's get into how his love for figure skating started.

He first touched the ice when he was just four years old, when his parents took him to the ice skating rink around Christmas time one year.

It was scary at first, especially for a four year old, but he quickly got into it, finding himself enjoying the sport, coming back around the same time every single year, with or without his family.

Which caused his family to enroll him in figure skating classes when he was just eleven years old.

And, sure, it was hard for an eleven year old to manage both training and school at the same time, but he was strong, graduating from high school early when he was sixteen years old.

That same year, though, he won his first gold medal at a national championship, after winning two bronze medals the year before.

He was so good at the sport that after winning the gold medal, he tried out for the Olympic team, getting on it.

Which was hard to do, especially for someone who was just sixteen years old, but he was determined, due to how hard he was working himself.

He found himself winning a silver medal when he was sixteen years old, and a bronze medal when he was eighteen years old, but never a gold medal.

Until three years later.

Three years after winning a bronze medal at his second Olympics, he won a gold medal when he was just twenty one years old.

His first Olympic gold medal.

And, like I mentioned earlier, he was the youngest person in South Korea to win a gold medal at the Olympics.

He even broke down into tears, after stepping down from the podium with his gold medal around his neck and a bouquet of flowers in his hands, his fellow teammates congratulating him.

He was also congratulated by his fellow competitors, who showed signs of good sportsmanship, the smile never leaving his face as he boarded the plane, flying back home to South Korea.

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