The Borrowers

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Author's Note: I started publishing stories on AO3, mainly stories that I wouldn't post here. If you want to follow me over there you can, the user name is writingfunstories. 

One shots (Namjoon):

The Bay family were a wealthy family, who lived in a nice cottage on the Southeastern side of England.

The family consisted of fifteen year old Mona, and her mother, and grand mother, who lived in the cottage with her.

It was a beautiful two story cottage that was built out of white brick, located on the seaside.

Unbeknownst to them, however, they weren't the only family who lived inside that cottage.

Because, living underneath the grandfather clock in the living room, was the Clock family.

A family of Borrowers.

In case you didn't know, they were a family of human-like creatures, who borrowed items from the "human beans" who lived above them.

They were a family of three, consisting of the father Seokjin, who was a shoemaker, along with the breadwinner of the family.

His wife Lavender, who was a stay at home mother for their sixteen year old son, Namjoon.

He was sheltered growing up- only seeing the outside world from a storm drain- meaning that he didn't know much about the people who lived above them, just knew that they were different from them.

He also loved to read, and would spend his past times gaining knowledge, when he wasn't helping his mother with the house work.

And things would remain that way, until a couple weeks after his sixteenth birthday when things would get complicated.

It all started when his father returned home from work one evening, looking more exhausted then usual.

"I've been seen, Lavender," he told his wife, who's face paled after hearing the words that came out of the older male's mouth.

"We might have to move again."

They decided to tell their son right then and there about the history of their people, wanting the teenager to know how dangerous their lives were.

Since, in case you were wondering, this wasn't the first time that they've moved during their lifetimes.

The first time they moved was after the young woman's parents died, causing the family to move in with her husband's older brother.

They left after a couple years, however, due to the fact that his older brother's house was overcrowded, filled with four adults, and seven children.

That was when they moved into the cottage that they lived in now, trying their hardest to blend in, and stay hidden.

I mean, Seokjin only went out at night, since there was a lower chance that he would get spotted, due to the fact that the family would be asleep.

But that night, however, something was different- a teenage girl was wide awake that night, spotting the borrower with wide eyes.

Thankfully though, it only lasted for a couple minutes, before he realized that he was seen, causing him to leave with a couple of items that he was able to grab.

Unfortunately, he was shaken because of this, and agreed with his wife, once she told him to bring their son with him.

He ended up agreeing, due to the fact that Namjoon was sixteen- old enough to go to work with his father, learning how everything worked.

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