Part of Your World

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One shots (Namjin):

🎤 I wanna be where the people are.

I wanna see, wanna see them dancing.

Walking around on those, what do you call them?

Oh, feet.

Flipping your fins you don't get too far, legs are required for jumping, dancing.

Strolling along down the, what's that word again?


Up where they walk, up where they run.

Up where they lay all day in the sun.

Wandering free, I wish I could be.

Part of that world. 🎤

Namjoon had always been a curious merman.

He was the youngest of eight children, and was the youngest son of the king, who was the ruler of the merpeople.

Which meant that there were strict rules that he was expected to follow, especially if he wanted to become king someday.

Like, for example, he couldn't talk back to his father for one, but he also couldn't go up to the surface, since interaction between merpeople and humans were forbidden.

He was always disobeying that role, however, since he's always been a naturally curious person, and loved to explore, adding new things to his collection that he kept hidden in a nearby cave.

And that day was no different.

He was hanging out at the surface that day, his honey brown eyes scanning the beach that was in front of him, filled with excitement.

He knew that his father wouldn't be happy, once he found out that he went up to the surface again, but he didn't really care.

Especially since he was known throughout his family for disobeying their father, and being a little bit of a trouble maker.

He's always been a bit of a troubled merman, since his mother was killed by hunters when he was little- hence why his father hated humans so much.

He just wished that his father would understand that not all humans were bad- or at least the ones that he watched weren't.

They actually seemed nice and understanding, and it made him wish that he was born a human instead of a merman.

He just thought that his life would be easier that way, you know?

His thoughts were interrupted by a dog barking, before he hid behind a rock, trying not to get noticed.

But that didn't really work, however, since the dog walked up to the rock, continuing to bark and sniff at the area, causing his owner to smile.

"Come on Max," he heard a voice say, one that sounded soft and gentle; almost kind hearted even.

"There's no one here."

He looked up, so that only the top part of his face was noticeable, before his eyes landed on the most handsome man that he's ever seen.

He had black hair, along with dark brown eyes, and pale skin, looking a couple years older than him.

He was dressed nicely, in a loose white button down shirt, and black pants, that looked comfortable.

They probably weren't appropriate for the beach though- then again, he was only walking his dog, so it probably didn't matter.

They made eye contact, which scared the younger male, causing his eyes to go wide, before he hid in the water again, his heart racing.

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