The Pilot

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Author's Note: I was inspired to write this by a fellow author here on Wattpad who wrote a Minjoon fanfic that's focused around a CEO and pilot, etc. Plus, my grandfather was a pilot himself, so I have a little bit of experience, if you know what I mean. I did split this one shot into two parts, but I will be posting both of them at the same time. Enjoy! 

One shots (Seokjin):

Kim Seokjin was a world renowned pilot.

He graduated top of his class at the flight academy, before getting a job at the Seoul Incheon Airport which was one of the biggest airports in all the country.

He was known for his polite nature, along with being humble and down to earth- he was well liked among his coworkers, and was one of the country's biggest heartthrobs.

But that wasn't the only reason why people liked him.

He was also the single father of his four year old son, Namjoon, and was always bringing the toddler into work with him, since he couldn't afford a babysitter.

He was a little tight on money, even though he got paid super well- he was still putting money aside for his son, which was limiting their spending money.

He didn't let his financial problems get to him though, and was always putting on a happy persona, even when he was having a rough day.

I mean, he didn't like to talk about his feelings, which was why he was always smiling and cracking bad dad jokes, even when he wasn't feeling the happiest.

That was just the type of person that he was though- always bubbly, and kind with good manners, trying his best to teach his son to be the same way.

It wasn't easy, however, to be a single father, especially when you're a pilot, having to fly to different countries every single day.

Okay, sure, he got days off sometimes, but it wasn't often, meaning that, on those days, he had no choice but to take his son to work with him.

And the four year old didn't seem to mind this, since he was quiet and shy, and was always allowed to color in his coloring book at the back of the plane in the company of one of his fathers coworkers, Wendy.

She was a nice young woman, who was like a mother figure to him, since his real mother wasn't active in his life.

He didn't know much about her, just that they were young and naive when they had him, before going their separate ways.

He was young at the time- not even a year old yet- but was content with living with his father, since he couldn't imagine a life without him.

He would always look up to his father.


Right now, he was sitting at a table in the back room of the plane, coloring inside a coloring book.

He was alone in the room, since the flight attendants were doing their rounds across the plane, and his father was in the cockpit with his copilot; the two of them focusing on flying the plane.

The four year old didn't mind, though, since he liked being alone, due to the fact that he didn't like talking to people.

He was born with a stutter, meaning that he needed a speech therapist just so he could talk correctly.

But unfortunately, due to his fathers job, he couldn't see the therapist a lot, since he was always traveling around with his father, but he didn't care.

In his eyes, therapy was pointless, and wasn't helping much- he just went because he knew that his father was spending a lot of money on it.

His thoughts were interrupted by the light blue curtain, which was separating the room from the rest of the plane, being opened, before his father appeared.

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