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Author's Note: I'm losing motivation for writing again, but I'll still try to post as often as I can (Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays). 

One shots (Namjin):

🎤 Though everyone says I'm beautiful, my sea is all black.

A star where flowers bloom, and the sky is blue.

You are the true beautiful one.

Suddenly I wonder, are you also looking at me right now? (Oh).

Won't you ever find out about my painful wounds? (Oh).

I'll orbit around you.

I'll stay by your side.

I'll be your light.

All for you. 🎤

Seokjin Kim was a professional makeup artist.

He used to work in the Sephora that was located inside the local mall, working there for nine years.

He ended up quitting when he was twenty seven years old, however, for multiple reasons.

One: his boss was a mean old lady, who always invaded her employees personal space.

Two: there were some customers that were always getting onto his nerves, nitpicking every little thing that he did.

Most of his customers weren't this way, sure, but there were still some Karen's in the batch.

Rotten apples if you will.

And, because he still needed the money, he decided to open a YouTube channel instead, where he uploaded story times, Professional Makeup Artist reactions, and product reviews, where he would review the newest makeup releases, stating if they were worth the price or not.

He was surprised at how well the channel was doing, and he quickly found himself with over 100,000 subscribers in two years; his channel quickly growing in size.

Which meant that the money started flowing in, surprising his fiancé, Namjoon, at how much the older male was making per video.

I mean, he himself worked as a kindergarten teacher, but didn't make nearly as much as the older males YouTube channel.

It was enough money to get them both by, and they found themselves moving across the city into a nicer and bigger place that had enough space for their two dogs, Moni, and Dexter.

One was a white American Eskimo, while the other was a Golden Retriever, both dogs having lots and lots of energy.

They had so much energy in fact, that sometimes their owners would have a hard time keeping up with them.

But that was why they moved into a house with a big backyard, having enough room for two hyperactive puppies to run around in.

And his YouTube channel continued to grow throughout the years, reaching 1.62 Million subscribers when he was just thirty three years old- only six years after he uploaded his first ever video.

Which brings us to the start of today's story.


The living room was silent that morning, besides the sounds of the clicking of a mouse, and fingers on a keyboard.

The young man was sitting on the couch, editing his video, getting it ready to upload later that week.

And he was enjoying the silence, since the house was usually filled with the barking of their dogs, who were both loud and annoying.

But right now, however, his husband, Namjoon, was taking them both for a walk, leaving him alone in the silent house.

Meaning that he could get his work done without being interrupted- which was good, since he was behind on uploads.

Thankfully, though, his fans understood that, since he just got married a couple months ago- after being engaged for six years.

He decided to keep his life outside of YouTube private, since the younger male wasn't comfortable being in front of the camera.

I mean, he was a kindergarten teacher, and preferred to stay out of the spotlight, but understood the older males line of work.

He was just an understanding person in general, which was why Seokjin felt lucky that they were finally able to get married.

After years of pushing their wedding back, until the younger male felt ready, they were finally able to call themselves husbands.

They were finally able to tie the knot.

His thoughts were interrupted by the front door opening, two over excited dogs- one white, while the other was a golden color- running towards him.

He just laughed lightly, before saving his video, and closing his laptop, placing it onto the coffee table.

He then petted both puppies on the top of their heads, his dark brown eyes watching as his husband closed the door behind him, with a dimpled smile on his face.

"They've missed you, you know," he stated, keeping his tone of voice light and teasing, the smile dimple staying on his face.

"Namjoon," the ravenette haired male just replied, continuing to pet the two dogs on the top of their heads.

"You've only been gone for an hour?"

"So? Can't Moni and Dexter miss their other owner?"

He sat down next to the older male onto the south after that, making himself comfortable by lying his head onto his husband's lap.

They stayed like that for a little while, the older male beginning to run his hand through the younger males brunette locks, staying silent.

He watched as their dogs slowly lost interest, running throughout the house again, no doubt towards the piles of toys that were near their doggie beds.

The two husbands didn't mind though, as they were used to their dogs behavior, since they've acted that way since they were puppies.

They've only had them for six years, meaning that they've both brown attached to having the two dogs around.

"I love you," the older male muttered after a couple minutes, interrupting the silence that surrounded them.

"I love you too, Jin," his husband replied, humming in contentment every once in a while, instantly relaxing under the magic touch of the ravenette haired male.

Everything was perfect, and they couldn't have been happier. 

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