Cliff's Edge

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One shots (Namjin):

🎤 Cliff's edge, you turn me on.

You lead me on.

You got me on.

A Cliff's edge, where I belong.

You got me on.

You turn me on.

I wanna feel that sea breeze.

I wanna feel that sea breeze. 🎤

The beach was beautiful at night, shining silver underneath the glow of the moon, which was high in the sky, shining down onto everything underneath it.

A young man, who looked around his late twenties, was standing on the empty sand, which was cold underneath his bare feet.

His chestnut brown hair was messy on top of his head, and his golden hazel eyes were focused on the waves, which were moving towards the shore peacefully.

He was carrying his shoes in his hands, and the bottoms of his trousers were rolled up, so that they wouldn't get sandy.

He was shivering slightly underneath the thin sweatshirt that he was wearing, which was unfortunately the only thing that he had to keep warm.

In fact, his entire outfit was thin and worn out looking, almost like he didn't have enough money to buy something brand new or warmer.

And he probably didn't, since both him and his fiancé were living paycheck to paycheck, trying their best to scrap by.

But when you're lower class in a society that favors the wealthy, there's only so much that you can do.

He closed his eyes, before sighing, breathing in the crisp, and cool night air.

He's always loved going to the beach at night, especially when he was younger, using it as a way to escape his awful home life.

His father was an alcoholic and his mother wasn't around much, always working late or spending the night with her multiple flings.

Which just left the young man, who's name was Namjoon, alone by himself most of the time, doing his best to get by.

He got his first part time job when he was thirteen, at a local gas station, after lying to the owner, and claiming that he was eighteen, just looking young for his age.

And that worked, since he got the job, only getting paid minimum wage, but he was able to set the money aside in a bank account, causing him to move out by the time he reached the age of eighteen.

He quit his job at the gas station, before moving to another state, taking his money with him.

He moved into an apartment complex that was cheap enough to rent, before getting a job at the local grocery store.

That was actually how he met his fiancé, Seokjin, who was born and raised in that state, curious to know the mysterious male who just moved there.

They started out as friends at first, before their relationship blossomed into something more, getting engaged just a couple years ago.

And their relationship was still going strong to this day.

His thoughts were interrupted by his cell phone vibrating in his sweatshirt pocket, telling him that he got a new message.

And, when his golden hazel eyes checked the home screen, he discovered that it was actually a text from his fiancé.

Multiple texts, in fact.

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