Death of a Bachelor

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Author's Note: This took me three months to write, due to the fact that this was complicated to write. I mean, I didn't know where to take this, but I finally finished it after mapping everything out. This is a long one (over 2,000 words) meaning that you should take your time, or else you might get lost. Very lost lol 

One shots (Hyung Line):

🎤 The death of a bachelor.

Oh, oh.

Letting the water fall, the death of the bachelor.

Oh, oh.

Seems so fitting for, happily ever after (woo).

How could I ask for more?

A lifetime of laughter, at the expense of the death of a bachelor. 🎤

Namjoon Kim used to love murder mysteries.

They were entertaining to him- eyes drawn to the pages, trying to figure out who the murderer was.

In fact, he had a whole shelf in his room dedicated to his favorite murder mysteries, which he would reread often, whenever he had to cure his boredom.

But he stopped reading them only recently, when a murder disrupted his reality.

His grandfather, Jihoon Kim, was murdered.

He was a famous bachelor, and was also the CEO of an insurance company, who was getting ready to retire, handing it over to his oldest son, Seokjin.

He was murdered before that could happen, however, meaning that police were looking into the family members as main suspects.

The oldest son was Seokjin, who was thirty seven years old.

He had black hair, along with dark brown eyes, and was quite narcissistic and full of himself, who loved to come up with horrible dad jokes.

He had no children, and wasn't in a relationship, meaning that he was at work the night of his father's murder.

And this alibi was proven by the fact that the security cameras taped him working late, not leaving until somewhere around two in the morning- and the older man was murdered before then.

So, Seokjin was out of the equation.

The second oldest son was Yoongi, who was thirty five years old.

He had black hair, along with light brown eyes, and was a soft spoken person, who was also slightly introverted.

He didn't like large parties or social gatherings, preferring to stay in, which was what he was doing the night his father died.

We'll come back to that, though.

He was a divorcee, and was sharing custody of his only son with his ex-wife, Lindsey Morgan, who had him every weekend.

That was what happened that weekend, meaning that he was alone at the house, drinking a glass of wine, while watching the evening news.

But, because there were no security cameras at his place of living, the police had no proof that he was home that night.

That was just what he kept insisting.

Now the youngest son was Hoseok, who was twenty nine years old.

He had brown hair, along with light brown eyes, and was the bubbly, extrovert of the family.

He was engaged to be married, and was currently working from home, so he could help take care of his fiancé, who was five months pregnant.

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