Never Again

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One shots (Seokjin):

🎤 I never read your letter 'cause I knew what you'd say.

Give me that Sunday school answer; try to make it all okay.

Does it hurt to know that I'll never be there?

Bet it sucks to see my face everywhere.

It was you who chose to end it like you did; I was the last to know.

You knew exactly what you would do; don't say you simply lost your way.

She may believe you, but I never will.

Never again. 🎤

The music blared through the car speaker, covering up the sounds of the air conditioning which was on full blast.

A young man was sitting in the driver's seat, his dark brown eyes focused on the road that was in front of him; his hands white from gripping the steering wheel.

He was driving the two hour drive towards his hometown, hoping to spend some time with his younger brother, Namjoon, until he got his life sorted out.

He just found out a couple days ago that his girlfriend of six years was cheating on him.

I mean, it wasn't like she was trying to hide it, since she was making it clear by the hickeys on her neck that she was sleeping with someone that wasn't him.

And at first he thought nothing off, believing her excuses that she was hanging out with her friends.

The more it went on, however, the more he realized that something else was happening, which was why he started his own investigation.

🎤 If she really knows the truth, she deserves you.

A trophy wife, oh how cute.

Ignorance is blessed.

But when your day comes, and he's through with you.

And he'll be through with you; you'll die together but alone. 🎤

He started putting security cameras around the outside of their home- his younger brother's suggestion- in places that he knew she wouldn't see them.

He checked them daily, noticing that the same blue colored car picked her up at the same time every morning, when she's supposed to be at work.

That was also when he found out that she was fired- fired for bad behavior- meaning that she was only staying with him for his money.

Since he was a successful surgeon, and made loads of money, which he was saving up for his younger brother and nephews, knowing that they needed the extra support.

He also suspected that she was stealing from him, since he noticed he was getting withdrawal statements from the bank which he never made.

He eventually got his lawyer involved, and submitted a police report with the local police, accusing her of stealing from him, which was a federal crime.

And he honestly needed a break from all this chaos.

🎤 You wrote me in a letter, you couldn't say it right to my face.

Give me that Sunday school lecture; repent yourself away.

Does it hurt that I'll never be there?

Bet it sucks to see my face everywhere.

It was you who chose to end it like you did; I was the last to know.

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