Afraid (Part One)

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One shots (Namjin):

The pale golden moonlight shone through the dark room, the only source of light that was available.

A young man, who was in his late twenties, was sitting on a wooden chair in the middle of the room, his legs and hands restrained down to the chair.

His chestnut brown hair was messy on the top of his head- due to the struggle that occurred, which led up to this point- and his golden hazel eyes were covered by a blindfold which was tied behind his head.

The suit that he was wearing was tattered and dirty- once again due to the struggle- and both his face and body were covered in bruises.

The man's name was Namjoon.

Detective Namjoon Kim.

He remembered working late that day on a case- one that involved the biggest Mafia in all of Seoul- when his office door slammed opened, somebody grabbing him from behind.

He remembered struggling with that person for a couple minutes- which created a mess out of his usually clean and organized office- before a cloth was placed over his mouth, knocking him out instantly.

And the person who kidnapped him knew exactly what they were doing.

He had no doubt that the Mafia leader that he was investigating was involved.

I mean, why else would he get kidnapped for no apparent reason?

It was obvious that whoever kidnapped him that day- which was probably the right hand man of the Mafia leader, Jason Kang, himself- thought that he knew too much.

He probably did, to be honest, as he's been overworking himself every single day, just so he could find the missing piece that he knew the case was missing.

You know, the one that even his partner, Jackson Wang, couldn't figure out himself.

It even started to get to the point where even his husband, Seokjin, began to worry about the younger males mental health, knowing that he was on the verge of exhausting himself due to stress.

They've been married for almost three years now and liked to think that they knew everything about each other.

Well, almost everything.

There were still some things about each other that the couple didn't know; things that they preferred to keep to themselves, for example.

But the couple was still able to have a good relationship with each other; after all, they have been together since their college days.

The young detective started to come back to reality, still a little dizzy and out of it due to the drug that the person who kidnapped him used- which was chloroform, the Mafia's most used drug for kidnappings.

He was able to hear muffled voices outside the room that he was in, but because his eyes were covered by the blindfold, he wasn't able to see anything.

He was able to hear some of what was being said though.

"You can't kill him," he heard someone- who sounded a lot younger than he was, maybe in their early twenties- say, their voice soft but firm.

"He has a husband for God's sake."

Namjoon's blood went cold when he heard those words, a feeling of dread washing over him.

No, he thought, feeling both overwhelmed and fearful of his life due to everything that happened in the past couple of hours.

They better not get the love of my life, Seokjin, involved.

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