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Author's Note: This is a modern day retelling of the fairy tale, Cinderella, but with my own twist on the story. This took me three days to write, so I hope you enjoy it just as much as I do :)

One shots (Taejin):

The kingdom of Eros has always been known as a peaceful town.

It was surrounded by mountains, and was home to farmers, and merchants- ruled by the king and queen, along with their two sons, Taehyung and Jungkook.

This story isn't about them, however- although they will play a major part later on.

Located a couple miles away from the village was a two story cottage, built out of red bricks, having a straw roof.

It was home to a young man, named Seokjin Kim, who lived there his entire life.

He was born there, the only son to his parents George and Amanda Kim, who were down to earth people.

His father was a local merchant, while his mother was a stay at home mother, taking care of both him and the farm.

Unfortunately however, she died when he was eleven, causing his father to remarry to an older widow named Clara Tremaine, who had two daughters, Anastasia and Daniella.

Now, he's never liked his step family, due to the fact that they were both bossy and rude- forcing him to dress and act a certain way.

And everything just got worse after his son, Namjoon, was born- when he was just eighteen- finding himself getting degraded and judged on a daily basis.

But he never complained to his father, knowing how much he loved his new wife, almost as much as he loved his first one- so he stayed silent, pretending like everything was okay.

Until his fathers death, only a couple months later.

He was shattered- absolutely shattered- by the news that his father died at sea, finding himself an orphan, losing both his parents.

If only he knew that his life was going to get worse from there.


It's been two years since his fathers death, and his life took a turn for the worse.

Instead of being treated as an equal, his step family treated him like a servant, using him to do the housework, cook the food, take care of the animals, do the laundry, etc.

And, in return, they would let both him and his son live in the basement, sleeping on a dirty mattress near the fireplace, just to keep warm during the winter.

Meaning that he was used to being pushed around, and degraded, always being forced to listen to his step family talk about him behind his back- either about his weight, or how unfortunate it was that his son had to grow up with an orphan as a father.

Which made him angry- especially the fact that they were gossiping about his three year old son- but he knew that there was nothing that he could do about it.

He just knew that he had no choice but to endure the bullying, along with the pain, trying to save enough money so that he could leave, and give both him and his son the life that they deserved.

And he didn't get the chance to do that, until the events of today's story- which is about how he fell in love with a prince.


The story starts on a normal summer morning.

The young man was kneeling in front of the fireplace that morning, starting the fire, and trying to get the temperature just right.

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