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Author's Note: I have one more Christmas one shot to publish, but I decided not to, due to the fact that I'm disappointed with it, and want to edit it and fix it. So, because of this, you're getting this instead :)

One shots (Namkook):

🎤 I'm not a piece of cake for you to just discard.

While you walk away with the frosting of my heart.

So I'm taking back what's mine, you'll miss.

The slice of heaven that I gave to you last night. 🎤

Jungkook has always been known to have a little bit of a sweet tooth.

He was always going to the local cafe before work, ordering the same size coffee, along with a different pastry every morning, never eating the same one twice.

He was always getting teased for this by his friends, in fact, since he was an unmated alpha, who was putting his sweet tooth over finding himself a mate.

This all changed, however, when he met a shy and reserved omega named Namjoon, who had chestnut brown hair, along with golden hazel eyes.

He was the younger brother of the alphas best friend, Seokjin, who was a strict, and humorous alpha.

And he honestly wasn't happy once he found out that Jungkook was interested in his younger brother, who was sheltered from the world growing up.

Meaning that he was extra sensitive, and didn't quite know how the world worked- but he did trust the younger male to take care of his brother.

That didn't mean that he was happy with their relationship though.

Right now, the couple was sitting on the couch in the living room, watching a movie silently, cuddled up together.

Or at least that was what they were trying to do, but the older alpha couldn't help but notice that his boyfriend smelled different- his usually vanilla scent was more milky, rather than sweet.

"You okay, babe?" He asked, keeping his hazel eyes focused on the TV, trying not to sniff the omega too much.

"You smell different."

"I'm pregnant," he just squeaked out, knowing that there was no point in hiding it, since his alpha could be scary whenever he was angry.

He was an alpha dom, of course.

"Does your brother know?" He responded back, keeping his tone of voice calm, knowing that the older male wouldn't be happy once he found out.

"He's the first one I told honestly. And he's not happy with the news, of course, but said he's willing to help us with the baby if we need it."

"Namjoon," the alpha breathed out, pausing the movie, and turning his attention towards his boyfriend.

"You're only twenty, and are still in college. We don't have the finances to take care of a child."

"Jungkook," the omega said back, trying his best to stay calm, since he knew that stress wasn't good for the baby.

"We'll be fine, okay? I mean, we'll have the help of Jin hyung, and I know he'll be willing to send us some extra money."

The ravenette haired male just sighed, before pulling the younger omega into a kiss; one that was both passionate and sweet.

"I'll accept your decision," he said once they pulled away, their forwards pressed together, and their eyes connected.

"But it won't be easy Namjoon."

They turned their attention back towards the movie after that, using that time to think about their future, instead of listening to the movie.

They'll have a rough road ahead of them, but they knew that they could get through anything.

As long as they were together.


Nine months later, their son, Soobin, was born.

He was a sweet newborn with chubby cheeks, and black hair, along with golden hazel eyes with dimples in his cheeks.

He looked like a mixture of both his parents, and was born after a fifteen hour birth, which seemed to take forever in the omegas opinion.

It was worth it though, since he got to hold his son in his arms once it was over, in the company of his boyfriend and older brother, who were just as excited to meet the newborn as he was.

He even remembered crying, due to the fact that he couldn't even believe it- that he was a father at only the age of twenty.

It was like his eyes were opened on that day, and he knew that he would make a great father, due to the fact that he had his boyfriend, and older brother by his side.

He wasn't alone in this.

It took the family of three a couple months to adjust after that, but they quickly adjusted into a routine, one that worked well for them.

Right now, the older male was standing at the stove making breakfast, while his boyfriend sat at the kitchen table, feeding their son.

He was around four months old at this point, but was very quiet, and barely fussy, even when he was hungry.

He would just stare at his parents with his golden hazel eyes, and a smile on his face, the dimples noticeable in his cheeks.

And both his parents absolutely adored him, showering him in love and attention, always spending time with him.

He was their whole world at this point, and they promised themselves- along with each other- that they would protect him, never letting him out of their sight.

That was a promise. 

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