Golden Days

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One shots (Namjin):

🎤 In the summertime.

In the summertime.

Oh, don't you wonder when the lights begins to fade?

And the clock just makes the colors turn to gray.

Forever younger.

Growing older just the same.

All the memories that we make will never change.

We'll stay drunk, we'll stay tan, let the love remain.

And I swear that I'll always paint you.

Golden days.

Golden days.

Golden days.

Golden days. 🎤

Seokjin Kim remembered the day he met Namjoon Reynolds.

It was during the summer of 1979, and he was leaving his art studio that day, dragging his feet across the pavement, due to how exhausted he was.

He was a painter, but was struggling to make money at the moment, due to the fact that everything was becoming digitized.

Almost nobody wanted their picture painted, which was unfortunate, due to the fact that he was struggling to pay his rent, meaning that eviction was on the rise.

He was trying his best to get past it though, but that didn't stop him from overthinking everything, knowing that he might have to get a roommate.

But he didn't want to do that.

His thoughts were interrupted by the sound of a camera snapping, and he stopped walking, his dark brown eyes meeting the golden hazel eyes of a younger looking male.

He looked to be in his early twenties, and had chestnut brown hair, along with golden hazel eyes, holding a camera in his hands.

He was dressed casually, and had a sheepish smile on his face, due to the fact that he didn't expect to get caught.

"Sorry," he muttered awkwardly, addressing the older male, while lowering the camera, so that it was facing the ground.

"I just thought that you were handsome."

"Do you take a picture of every man that you find attractive?" The painter found himself responding back, an amused smile appearing on his face.

"Yeah," he confessed back, his face flushing a light shade of red.

"Is that a bad thing?"

"No. In fact, I find it to be kinda cute."

His words caused the sheepish smile to turn into a friendly one, two pairs of dimples appearing in the younger males cheeks.

"I'm Seokjin Kim," he said again, introducing himself, while holding out his hand for a handshake.

"Namjoon Reynolds."

They shook hands after that, before walking towards the older males car, chatting softly, getting to know each other.

They learned that they had things in common- they were both the youngest in their families, along with closeted gays, not out yet.

Due to obvious reasons.

They also learned about each other's jobs- like, for example, how the younger male was a professional photographer, while the older male was a professional painter.

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