Teacher's Pet

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Trigger Warning: Teacher/Student relationship, along with slight age gap. 

One Shots (Namjin):

🎤 Teacher's Pet.

If I'm so special, why am I secret? Yeah why the fuck is that?

Do you regret the things we shared that I'll never forget?

Well. Do you?

Tell me that. 🎤

Namjoon Kim was sleeping with his English teacher, Seokjin Kim.

He knew it was wrong, that he as a seventeen year old senior in high school shouldn't be sleeping around with his twenty three year old teacher, but he couldn't help it.

He couldn't help falling in love with him, since the first day that he laid eyes on him.

Which was on the first day of senior year.

He was running late that day, as his alarm clock didn't go off until a couple minutes after school started- as he stupidly set it to the wrong time, causing him to arrive at school almost fifteen minutes after the bell rang, starting class.

He was given a dirty look from the security, who didn't want to deal with rule breakers, or hooligans on the first day of school.

Not that he was one of them; he wasn't.

He was actually a straight A student, who was at the top of his class.

He wasn't popular either, per say. Or at least that was what he believed.

He was given a late pass, along with his schedule- as he missed the pick up day to get it due to his parents divorce, before leaving the office and heading down the deserted hallway, towards his first hour classroom.

English. What a boring classroom topic.

Or it wouldn't be for long.

To make a long story short, that fateful day, at the beginning of the school year, ended up changing his life.

His golden hazel eyes made contact with the teacher, who was sitting behind the desk that was in the corner of the room.

He was a young male, who was probably around his early twenties; Namjoon found out later that he was actually twenty three.

He was wearing a simple, plain navy blue suit, along with a white button up shirt underneath it.

He had dark brown, almost black hair, with brown eyes, holding a regular sized black folder in his hands.

And Namjoon suspected that their classwork and homework assignments were arranged neatly in it.

Great. The last thing that he needed was homework on the first day of school- especially during senior year.

The day went by in a blur after that.

He took notes, like expected, his eyes never once leaving contact with his teacher, who's name was Seokjin Kim.

They had the same surname. That was good to know.

He knew that it was wrong for him to be infatuated with someone who he's only known for half a day; especially someone who was a teacher, as their school had a no teacher/student relationship policy.

He couldn't help it though; he couldn't help noticing the littlest things about his teacher.

Like how he was a neatfreak, keeping everything neat and organized on his desk, and in his folder where he kept the assignments and homework; even his satchel was neatly organized.

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