Life Goes On

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One shots (Namjoon):

🎤 Like an echo in a forest the day will come back around, as if nothing happened.

Yeah life goes on.

Like an arrow in the blue sky, another day flying by on my pillow, on my table.

Yeah life goes on like this again. 🎤

The early afternoon California sun was shining down onto the coastline road, bouncing off the clear blue waters of the ocean.

A white colored minivan was driving down the coastal road, towards the Los Angeles area, after three days of traveling from Manhattan, New York.

The driver of the minivan was a middle aged man named Christopher Kim, who emigrated from South Korea with his wife for a better life and to start a family.

His wife unfortunately died from cancer nine years ago, leaving him with two sons who were the ages of seven and five years old.

And it was a challenge raising them both for the last nine years, especially since his youngest son was autistic, and had a learning disability, needing an IEP.

But, other than that, he was able to get through it okay with the help of his oldest son, who was old enough to understand what his little brother was going through.

The youngest son not so much.

He was moving his family to Los Angeles, from Manhattan after getting a promotion for his job that he didn't want to miss out on.

The only problem with taking it was the fact that it was moving him to a different location.

It was moving him to a different office building that was located in Los Angeles, California.

And he lived in Manhattan, New York with both his children.

He knew that his sons, who were sixteen and fourteen years old, wouldn't want to uproot their lives, and start anew.

But he also knew that they had no choice, as he already took the promotion, against the wishes of both his sons.

So they packed up all their stuff, before getting on the road, following the moving truck towards their new home which was located in the suburbs of Los Angeles.

His oldest son, Seokjin, who was sixteen years old, was sitting in the front passenger seat, his dark brown eyes looking out the window.

His black hair was messy on top of his head, as he was too lazy to brush it that morning, and there were earbuds in his ears, his fingers drumming silently to the beat of the music.

His younger brother, Namjoon, on the other hand, was sitting in the backseat behind their father's, reading one of his favorite books.

His chestnut brown hair was flat against his head, nicely brushed that morning, and his golden hazel eyes were focused on the book that he was reading, trying to distract himself from his reality.

You may be wondering what I mean by that, so let me explain.

The young teenager wasn't happy at his father for uprooting their entire lives, just for a job promotion that was all the way across the country on the West coast.

He wasn't happy that he had to leave his school, the one that he actually liked due to the fact that the teachers were nice, or the house that they used to live in.

The one that reminded him of his late mother, which they ended up selling, as his father didn't have the money to keep it.

They had no choice but to sell their old house; all so they could move into their new one, which was located on the West coast.

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