Intro: Persona

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Author's Note: This one shot was inspired by the movie Shazam, minus the superhero part. I saw this movie with my mom a couple weeks ago, and was inspired to write this. 

One shots (BTS):

🎤 So I'm asking once again, yeah.

Who the hell am I?

Tell me all your names, baby.

Do you wanna die?

Oh, do you wanna go?

Do you wanna fly?

Where's your soul?

Where's your dream?

Do you think you're alive?

Ah, shit.

I don't know man.

But I know one thing. 🎤

Namjoon Kim never knew his birth parents.

When he was four years old he was abandoned at the local carnival, with nothing but a note and a Milky Way bar on him.

The note stated his name, and his age, along with the events that led up to his parents abandoning him.

He bounced around different foster homes after that, always getting sent back to the orphanage because of his troubling behavior.

He felt unwanted, and unloved, which was causing him to act up, wanting to get sent back for a reason.

And he continued this behavior, until he was eleven when he was placed into the foster home of Kevin Reves, and his wife Rosa.

What made this foster home different was the fact that they had six foster sons, who all came from different backgrounds.

Their oldest foster son, Seokjin Kim, came from a rich background, his parents the CEO of an electronics company.

Unfortunately though, due to his fathers gambling problem, they later went bankrupt, losing everything that they owned, forcing them to put their only child into foster care.

He didn't seem to mind, however, since he was old enough to know that his parents wanted him to have a better life- one that they wouldn't be able to give him.

Their second oldest foster son, Yoongi Min, was an orphan also, spending his entire childhood at an orphanage.

He didn't blame his parents, though, because he knew that they were at a better place- which was heaven- and was thankful that he finally found a family that accepted him.

He didn't feel left out with Kevin and Rosa- in fact, he felt welcomed, and acted like an older brother to the younger children.

He was trying his best- along with Seokjin- to be a good role model for the younger children, making them feel welcomed.

Now, their third oldest foster son, Hoseok Jung, had a similar childhood to Namjoon himself.

He was also abandoned in public when he was a child, except for the fact that it was at a movie theatre and not a carnival.

His birth parents were located by police after a couple of years, but he chose to stay in the care of Kevin and Rosa, since he saw them as his family.

His real family.

He didn't care that they weren't biologically related; he just cared about the fact that he felt welcomed and accepted in their family.

Their third and second youngest foster sons, Jimin and Taehyung Park, were fraternal twins, only five minutes apart.

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