Make out -A Raura story

By Trytowrite

348K 8K 1.5K

Will there be a season 4 on Austin and Ally? No one knows and the chances are low. That's why the crew uses t... More

About this (edited)
In my office
Chances for season 4
It's time
Close your eyes and go for it
Take two
Wrap party
Slow Dancing and super News
Promotion trip
Aujourd'hui, ce était une belle journée
Free time in Paris
We Kissed....
Au revoir France and Hola España
Akward Interview + Amazing Dinner
Looking good
Quiero ir a un museo
Dinner and a little concert
Being close in a plane
Day in London
Kiss in London
What we are
Planes and Plans
First date - Erstes Date
Best date ever
Gf & Bf
Raini and Calum
I love my girlfriend so much
I like my boyfriend so much
Complications and risk in a relationship
Maybe we should stick to being friends
Back on set
Plans and scary movies
Truth or Dare
LOve , kissing , shy , compliments, friends
Kisses stars relationships
Friends with benefits
Austin and Ally
Songs and Memories
Ice cream and parks
Dating worries
Under the stars
Not the way I planned
Season 4 wrap
Rydellington chapter
Fresh starts
Confession Livestream
Backstage Kisses
Old Friends and Troubles
Date Raura + Bella
A night.... remember
I cant believe you....!
Overreacting ????
The Raura Love story
Love you <3 Memories
Double Date
Cast Reuinion
Chlling in Ross Room
What the heck
The secret
Pregnancy DIARY I
Pregnancy DIARY II
Pregnancy Diary III
R , L , R & C getting exciting News!
Accepting the offer or not?
memories and what ifs (+ a long A/N )
New movie
How is your relationship going , Raura ? XD
Pregnancy Diary IV
New Stories
Lauras birthday oo
The proposal
The proposal part 2
Later in the bedroom....
First day on set
Part 101
Our Baby
Untitled Part 104
A visit at the Doctor
WHat ???
My Granddaughter , my daughter in law and my son
I still cant believe
Rydel // crying
Ross & Laura
Rydels surprise and a marriage discussion
At home after the dinner
Dress shopping
I cant believe /We are getting married tomorrow/
Interview with Ross and Laura
Thank you

Momentos románticos en España

4.3K 107 33
By Trytowrite

Hope the title does make sense. If yes the ones who can Spanish will know what it is about ;)

Ross POV

It was already 10 pm when we came home and me and Laura went to sleep like we where told. This trip is a little exhausting anyway,When we laid so close to each other all I wanted to do was wrap my arm around her and hold her close. But I couldn't. We are JUST friends.


When I woke up in the night and couldn't go back to sleep I couldn't help mysels but I gently pulled Laura close me. My arm was around her waist. I tried not to wake her up and luckily she didn't.

Having her small body in my arm is just wow....

Laura POV

Its still so early right? But the sunlight in my face was waking me up. I am even feelings some sparks ...

Wait...The sparks aren't coming from the sun. Ross is holding my waist really close. Mh , wonder why. Most likely he just moved in sleep. He is still snoring a little, Aw how cute!

I tried to wake him up by shaking him lightly but he just hold me even tigether. I decided to let him sleep and make us breakfast. When I finished doing chocolate ship pancakes his fav I went back to the sleeping room.

As I was going to wake him up I heard him mumvling something in his sleep-

"Lauri you are so beautiful" I could clearly understand him. He said something else. It sounded like....

but it can't be that can it?

No it can't.

What he said next was I love you but I am sure I didn't hear right . Or maybe he was talking about pancakes or his guitar or whatever. But f course not about me. How did I even got this weird idea???

I woke him up and we ate. Afterwards I showered and changed into black short shorts and a baby blue tanktop. And flip flops. Its really warm here today.

Later I curled my hair and wear some light make up. I stepped outside the bathroom and turned around "Lauri is beautiful right?" I asked chuckling.

Ross POV

What happened to Laura??

She is turning around and asking me if she ,Lauri,is beautiful!

" Sure you are. Why do you ask?" I asked her a little confused. "When you were sleeping you mumbled "Lauri you are so beautful" " She explained.

This isn't good!

"Did I ...did I say something uhm else?" "You did. But I couldn't get it!" I sighed in relief. Luckily I didn't tell her my feelings in sleep.

"Do you really think I am beautiful?" She asked again unsure looking down her self.

"Yes you are , Lauri." I said and hugged her.

We stayed like this for a few minutes. Her face was burried in my chest and my in her soft hair. But then we got a message saying we have to leave for the interview.


" And is Laura a good kisser?" Oh no here we go again with those raura questions. Urgh.

" uhm yes she is" I said akwardly and a little blushing. Laura blushed as well after me saying this. " And what about Ross ,Laura?" She just shrugged . "No opinion? Just say the truth" The interviewer said. Laura knew that she has to say something and she said : "I can't compare" "What does that mean?" The interviewer said and I knew that Laura is already regretting her words.

"I means that Ross was my first kiss" She said and tried to hide her blush. It was cute.

The interviewer has know noticed how uncomfortable she was so he changed the theme.

After a little while he asked us if we can speak Spain. I can't really but Laura can. She started to say someting and her voice was just wow. I was really impressed by how good she can do this and how cute she sounded.

The interviewer had told us that we are finish and me and Laura walked to the sofa where a little luch was set up for us. "That was so emberassing! I am sorry I told them." She said and I shoot her a questioning look. "Told them what?"" "Me first kiss" She stuttered. I took her hand and locked my eyes with her beautiful brown eyes.

"There is nothing to be ashemed of" I said and tugged some of her soft hair behind her ear.


Wow this was a long chapter! I decided to do today and tomorrow a real long one because I can't update muc during the christmas holidays. So stay tuned for another extra long one tomorrow and more chpaters after the Christmas Days. I won't have much time until New Year but I promise I will do much in 2015.

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