Being close in a plane

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Ross POV

Laura was sleeping in my arms ; on my lap. It was the best plan ride ever until.....

She started moving! I don't want her to wake up just yet. First she looks really cute and beautiful while sleeping peacefull. And second she would probaly sit herself. Not only that she wouldb't be not on my lap anymore but also she would be on the other end of the plane.

I started swinging her lightly and luckily she drifted back to sleep before even really waking up. That was close!

When I got bored after some time I took her soft chocolate coloured hair in my hands and started playing. MH , her hair smells like strawberry. I love strawberrys.

I even dared to touch her cheek lightly. Aw , shes a little cold so I took a blanket and covered her with it. Then I went on stroking her cheek a bit and playing with her hair. I really want to touch her everywhere right now, but I know I defiently can't do it. :-(

For that I need to ask her to date me. But I know she won't say yes. She only sees me as her friend. Best friend maybe but thats it. Unfortunately.

The wiatress served us drinks and I asked how long the flight will be still and she said only one more hour. That was about 10 minutes before Laura woke up slowly.

"Where am I? Ross?" She asked a second after she opened her eyes. "Uhm on a plane " "But why...." "you slept before entering the plane and ..." "But you could wake me up?" She said still sleepy. " But I didn't. You were sleeping so peaceful and so I just let you sleep. And you know that we don't sleep much during the last week" "But you carried me and I sit uhm...." She blushed a lot while thinking about her sitting on my lap probaly.

I chuckeld lightly. "C'mon you weigh like nothing!" "Okay...thanks" "No prob" "uhm wheres uhm my seat" She asked still blushing.

Urgh no she wants to sit by herself just like I expected.

" Its on the other end of the plane."She was going to get up. It was probaly really akward for her being this close to me. But I grabbed her wrist "Can you stay? its comfotable" I asked her. "uhm..I...I mean ..uhm" She stutterd blushing again.

" C'mon" I said and grabbed her small waist gently and placed her on my lap again. "Btw its only a little more than half hour before we land anyway" "O---ok"

So we stayed . I had her close all the time......

Until the plane landed. After a while Laura had even leaned back on my chest and I had wrapped my arm around her waist since we were sitting now. It was...magical


Short again but at least I could update again. And a little teaser: raura will happen soon. Not in the next chapter but really soon.

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