Take two

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Kevin POV

Someone was enjoying the make out xd

We didn't need another take since it was a good take and second we won't show the complete make-out from nearly 20 seconds in the show , cuz also children may be watching

maybe we will show the complete kiss in the interenet , on twitter , since everyone is waiting for something like that for years.

But wait-

Laura and ross don#t know that the take is good.....

" Hey guys , this was pretty good. If you are okay with that , we could do another take , just to make sure it's as good as possible. "

Both were happy aboout this. Both tried not to show it.

Laura was blushing and smiling while looking down. I saw the excitment in her eyes.

Ross was trying to hide his emotions even more but he was feeling good about this as well, no doubt.

Raini POV

I was finishing my short lunch with Calum and we walked out of my dressing room.

A smiling and blushing Laura and a Ross who looked trying to hide his excitment are crossing our way.

" Good news?" I asked . "No? How you got this idea?" Ross asked , slightly blushing while Laura was nervously playing with her necklace.

" Take two , everyone!" Heath shputed trough the megaphone!" " Which scene?" I asked surprised. I thought we had everything.

" Uhm- the scene -uhm" Ross started .

" the kiss" Laura whispered. A really red blush was on her cheeks.

I understand everything! They go to make out again , and thats why both were happy and tried not to show it off. Those two need to be a couple!!!!

Ross POV

" I love you , Ally!"

" I love you too , Austin!" Laura answered and got on stage.

I hold her in my arms and we pressed our lips together. There was now nervousness , but a bunch of other feels (for me) ,I felt sparks and butterflies at the same time.

We kissed for a very long time , way longer.

I even used a bit tongue this time and what could I say: The fans will love it. Thats why we are doing it , right? Why should me and laur kiss without this reason...

Okay because I have a crush on her!!!!

Now , I admitted it....it's true. I maybe have a little , just a little crush on her.

I mean look at her she s very beautiful and has a good charakter. She is dorky but adorable and caring. She is totally a sweatheart. All you can look for in a girl , right? And the kiss was


Anyway we ended the kiss and I tried to act like nothing big happened just a minute ago. it's time for the wrapp party now! YEY!

It's just said that it maybe was our last day on set ;(

But I have no doubt that me and my cast will stay in touch. And me and Laura will see each toher for the promotion trip anyway.

Make out -A Raura storyWhere stories live. Discover now