Kisses stars relationships

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Ratliff POV

Its my chance , I shouldnt be so shy. I should just ask her out. Or at least tell her that I like her. Or maybe it would be enough for now to tell her how great she lookes or maybe how amazing she is. Yeah I should take smaller steps. "Did I mention you look great today?" I finally said. "UHm thank you" She said and looked down probaly to hide her deep red blush. 

I smiled and said:" Like always" "You look handsome too" She whispered. "Now and always" "Thanks " I answered and flipped my hair back casusing the both of us to laugh. "And did I tell you you have a gorgeus smile and a cute laugh" I smirked at her. She blushed again and smiled back. "Well you are realy funny" "Thanks , babe" I said and looked in her eyes. Those are so beautiful. She has the gorgeust eyes I ever saw. And the most beautiful smile I ever saw.

I didnt have the guts to actually kiss her but at least we were flirting. It was a step. If a boy meets a girl , they flirt first too. It was only a little weird because me and Rydel have been (and are) best friends for so many years now. 

 Riker POV

. Me and Vanessa were sitting under the stars. In the dark. On a blacony. All alone. How romantic right? I planned on bringing her here for a long , long time. She thinks probaly I just brought her here to eat our ice cream without anyone going on our nerves but she is wrong.

Well we already finished our ice cream minutes ago and were now just sitting there in silent. I had given Vanessa my jacket cuz she was cold. And she wanted to go back inside which I really dont want. 

It was like a chliche scene in a romance movie. 

I slowly slide my arm around her shoulder. I wanted to make sure she wouldnt mind and she didnt say anything.So I left it there. And it felt so right. 

That was the perfect moment.

And a perfect moment to kiss her. To make my biggest dream for months now happen: A kiss from Vanessa (such a romantic person and so chliche XD)

So I slowly leaned down and kissed her. I felt hr kiss back and deepened the kiss. I felt , how it is said in romance books , I felt sparks flying around and maybe some fireworks. Well it doesnt really feel like fireworks but this sensation is really hard to describe..... 

We didnt let go of each other lips for minutes now and we were still making out......


Laura was still crying and thinking while Ross found her and went to her. "Hey what happened?" he asked softly and took the girl in his arms. He softly stroked her hair while holding her close. "Its just ...kiss" Laura stuttered in between suffers. 

" I liked the kiss" Ross said and smiled down at her , still trying to calm her down by ligthly swaying her and rubbing her back.

" Me too" The girl answered. He lightly blushed at the answer and felt some buttelies. Its good to know she still likes to kiss him!

" So whats the problem Laura?" He asked again . "I you....I want to be with you and kiss you and stuff..thats what my heart wants...but my brain says diffrent. A relationship with you , my best friend AND costar will just bring risk and problems." He was pleased she finally was really honest and told him everything.

"Well maybe we should be friends with benefits"


I am sorry I didnt update saturday like I said. But I wrote this extra long so I hope its okay. Next chapter will be more raura and I think no Rinessa or Rydellington but they will appear more again soon.

Wedneday , Thursday and friday I am on a class trip , so I wont be updating. I try my best to update tomorrow but no promises.

Stay tuned and please vote and comment.

Speaking of vote:
For those who dont know , Laura , Ross and A&A are nominated for KCAs , so plase vote for them:

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