Au revoir France and Hola España

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Laura POV

We are currently at the airport. I am a little sad to leave France so soon. I mean we have only been there about a day and a half and only in one part of France. We were in Paris but there are so much more nice places to go. Like to the ocean or in Bretagne. Whereever

" Why don't they have go-gurt here anywhere???" I want to have this damn go.gurt right now! Next thing I was looking frozen yougurt . But they even had this. "Lets just have a normal ice cream. Or do you want a milkshake? Mcsundae in the Mc Donald. Just choose something."

I chose a milkshake . A chocolate one. It was really delicoius and tasty.We wanted to sit down but there was only one spot left. "You can sit there!" He offered but I shook my head "No you wnat to sit there" .

"Well , how about you just sit on my lap then?" He asked trying to find a god compromiss. "I am to heavy" I said but he just laughed. "You aren't haha " So we sat there together and waited for the plane to arrive. I mean it wasn't the first time me being on his lap.

Again I was so close to Ross and again I just freaking laughed it. The ffling then is just something special. There is something only he can make me feel.

After a mumbled french and then spain annoucment through the big loudspeaker they finally told us in English that our flight is taking off. We got in the plane and had seats next to each other luckily. Mine was 23A and his was 23B.

And you know what I got the place near to the window! Yey!!!

Finally the plane took off. Spain we come!

And Au revoir France (Good Bye France) Paris was wonderful. I had my first off screen kiss even it didn't mean anything to him. but still he kissed me. Caught up in the moment kiss is still a real kiss , right??

For sure.

The flight is fortunaly not so long like the one from USA to Europe. Its not even going to be two hours. Just one and a half then we are in Barcelona. The capital of Spain when I remember my geograpic lessons right. And since I always had a A I assume that ;)

I watched a funny movie . I don't actually rember the title but it was cute cartton movie- Probaly a famous one in France (or Spain? )

Anyway me and Ross both laughed so hard . The movie was great!

I also wrote a little bit with Raini and Calum again. they are currently in Colorade enjoying there time as well. They have also a lot of work to do , like interviews and M&G and must fly a lot but they still had a longer time off which they spent in colorado and in a fancy restarant. They didn't call it so but I really sounded like a date. They are just perfect.

Raini POV

Laura told me about her time in Europe. They have been in France so far and are going to Spain. Just like me and Calum they have lots of works to do but Laura still told me about her and Ross time at the capital , Paris.

They didn't call it a date but Ross has for sure some feelings (why else would he go to a museum? H hates them like hell!) and second they were on the city of love together , even on the eiffel tour., A kiss on top is something specia, I know that they didn't kiss but there must have been feelings!!!!


Laura POV

" We arrive in Spain in 15 minutes. Close your seatbelts"

After not even half an hour the plane landed-. We can go now and I am in Spain for the first time.

Hola España (Hello Spain)


Thanks for all your support on this story. Please tell me how you liked it.

I am going to update this weekend again so keep reading ;)

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