Kiss in London

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Laura POV

Here we are. On top of London in the big London Eye. Me and Ross were enjoying the view along with the other people in our capsule. It was a beautiful sight. When we were looking outside Ross suddenly put his arm around my waist.

It made me flich a little at first but then I enjoyed it. I don't know why he did this. But his arm there sent me sparks through my whole body. Normally he places his arm around my shoulder but this time...and there was no real reason or?

Anyway we continued watching and we where nearly on the top.

When we were on top something I never imagined happened.

He grabbed my waist tigether and he ............

kissed me.

It was more than the short kiss in Paris and more than the make out we filmed in Austin and ally. It was long and it wasn't forced but sweet and passionate. We actually didn't let go of each other during the complete rest of the ride. And that were over 10 minutes!

I think you can imagine what I feel when we kiss. It was like always only even a little more....intensive. Our lips lied on each other for such a long time and all the time I felt......sparks. Yeah sparks running through me. Like little but nice elektro shocks. And in my stomach someone let fly around hundred butterflies. There little wings are flattering really fast.

And I felt all these just because he kissed me???

I think thats how it feels to be

Theres just one question left....


Why did he kiss me? I mean we aren't a couple. It must mean something when he just kisses me without reason and without anyone forcing us. On the other hand we kissed already in Paris and it didn't mean anything.........or?

Does he-does he like me? like like me? A crush ? or love?? Okay stop making yourself hope. He will never crush on you.

Ross POV

I did it! I kissed her. On top of London. It was diffrent from the one in Paris and I felt more...It was longer and passionate. And I felt fireworks explode inside me. Really.

I didn't hold back all my feels for her . And there are a lot.... I might actually LOVE her. Its more than just crushing on someone. More than a little boys crush its Love. Like I said earlier. I hope she isn't angry that I kissed her (again). This time it was defently NOT caught up in the moment. This time it was a aim and even more a urge. I needed to feel these soft pink lips on my own again.

We cntinued the kiss until the worker on the bottom of the London Eye told us to get off. At least she didn't break the kiss for a long time...Does that mean she has feelings for me too?


I am sorry I didn't update yesterday. And I am sorry if you don't lie this isn't as great as I planned.

Thanks for all your votes and comments. Love ya <3

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