Wrap party

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After they finished filming they will have a wrap party on set. (They actually had one , but of course I don't know what happened so its all made up) . Ross and Laura are still memerized by there kisses or should i say make outs but they are still to shy to tell anyone their feelings. So they pretend nothing happened.

Ross POV

The kiss... [...]

"Ross , you are okay??" Someone yelled in my ear. I opened my eyes to see Calum and raini ." Sure , why?" I stutterd , blushing. "Cuz you were passing out for minutes!" Raini said .

" Laura?" They both asked and gave me a undertsanding face.

"No!" I said and went to get myself some crisp.

"How about we watch the first A&A episode ever!" Somebody suggested. We all sat down and lucky me got a space next to Laura. She was still wearing her dress and looked fantastic.As the episode started we all talked and siled about how little and sweet me were.

Wow , especially Laura grew up so much!

" You grew up a lot. Little Laura !" I whispered to her and of course she answere that she is older. But she also blushed a bit."You noticed?" She added. "Sure" "Stop flirting now!" John said and we blushed and turned our faces back to the big screen. "don't touch my book.." .......

After that we watched the cut version of the season 3 premiere. It's going to premiere this week. I had some moments with Laura (Ally ;) ) . We were hugging a few times. Not just a quick hug , no this long couple hugs. A few. Really cuddlep up , our completes bodies were touching. I felt sparks. Her head burried in my chest and my head resting on hers until Raini ( trish) interrupted us.

In one I even got to spun her around . That was fun. I closed my arms really tight aroung her waist and lifted short and light Laura off the ground and spun her arround. One time I did it really much and she nearly fall ;)

After watching the episodes the crew said before we do a "Cast singing" , we can have some snacks and dance.


I want to dance with Laura.

Slow dance

We did this first in season 1 already and I still remeber how great it was. When we danced in season 3 for prom we did not even normal slow dance. We danced even closer. It felt every better.

Maybe I just ask her to dance.

But what if she says no....


Hope you like it. It's long but without much Raura scene. But there will be new in next chapter , promise.

Did you see all those great episode I talked about in this chapter? They all were so amazing <3 <3

Make out -A Raura storyWhere stories live. Discover now