New Stories

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Sorry this is not an update but the New chapter is almost written
I published to new story plots today and I am gonna start writing those stories pretty soon , probaly this week. I'd be cool if you check them out and tell me how you like the plot and then , when published , how you liked the first chapter.

The one story is a sequel to my story Raura-Christmas. Its just sweet and fluffy Christmas story. Ross and laura have a little girl who they celebrate chritmas with. Yeah it has lot of Christmas stuff in it , a lot of family (ross , laura and their daughter , and of course quite a lot romance and raura moments.

Heres the plot:

  This is a sequel to my story Raura - Christmas After they got together Christmas a few years ago they will now celebrate Christmas with their first child. Her name is Marie shes almost 2 old and its the first christmas where she actually is old enough to really notice anything, Ross and Laura live together (with their daughter of course)They (still) love all the traditional christmas stuff and as every year want to really celebrate it.Just another fluffy Raura , Christmas story  

The other one is my crush story I was telling you about . I of course will change it a little to make it a real story. 

Thats the plot :

I am Mackenzie Waters , I am 17 years old and I have a crush on Ross Lynch. So far so good. The only problem is that he is s close with that other girl. She is beautiful and they are cute together. Everyone ships them. Well I do admit they are cute together but I wish I would be with him. Sometimes when I watch them i think ...well maybe they are not dating if they say they arent. At other times I am sure they are dating. They are just touching each other so much.

Well this is my , Mackenzie Waters , life.

Jealous of the relationship that Laura Marano has with Ross lynch , my crush.


I know I barely have time to update this fanfic but I really , really wanted to publish those two stories. I think this will still be my number one book so I will update this as much as i do right now; normally once a week.

I also still write some raura oneshot . But I wont really continue my other books anymore. I put The girl from italy on hold and will only update every two months or something and I will give The Unknown Father to someone else who wants to continue. 

I got quite a lot to do with shcool right now. We are writing all the important exams from next week to christmas and thats a lot. 

Also I can now choose the classes i wanna go in next year. I never got to do that. I had to have everything and now  I can choose what i still want and what not. Its hard to choose. 

I have to do a science but I dont know wheter I like Biology , Chemistry or physics more (or dislike less XD ) yeah need to think about that the next weeks.... hard to plan that it all works out.


Apart from that my life is same old . How are you all? Anything interesting happened to you lately? I really like to chat so if you do to , dm me. 

If you have any questions wheter you need any advise or a question for me whter its personal (about myself or my life) or about my books / writing /raura whatever .....You can always ask in the comments...

Thank you for reading if you did .

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