You're My Everything (Septipl...

By Enterthetadpole

181K 7.2K 4.9K

(Completed) The direct sequel to "His Bright Eyes". If you haven't read the first book then this book's event... More

"You needed a song as amazing as your smile."
"You can't make a pasty Irishman run in the California sun!"
"You know what those those flamingo shorts do to me." (๐Ÿ‹)
"You probably should have started calling them a month ago."
"You're going to slowly kill me, one calorie at a time."
"You never told me that he was that hot!"
"You'll find out how he charmed the pants right off of me."
"You need to explain to me again why you decided to not date him."
"You should've said I have a heart condition. I will die on this run."
"You're with me, no matter where I am."
"You will always be the best part of my day."
"You show me your heart, and I'll make you dinner forever.
"You may have needed to prepare Tyler and Ethan first."
"You'll be glad you stayed upstairs. The awkwardness was epic."
"You know, we should charge people for all the sexiness that happens here."
"You're able to take control." (๐Ÿ‹)
"Your heartbeat is the only lullaby I need."
"You can always talk to me, no matter what has happened."
"You're welcome." (insert Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson jokes here) (๐Ÿ‹)
"You need to let him know that what he did hurt you."
"You could feel the sex heat in the room."
"Your face was made for photographs."
"You're always worth going to bed early for." (?)
"Your love for me is everlasting, unless cookies are involved."
"You should always travel with an emergency beanie."
"You can feel the emptiness in the house, and in him."
"Your hugs are his kryptonite."
"Your sighs are like music to my ears." (๐Ÿ‹)
"You can't kill him until after the wedding."
"You're like a Korean snuggle pillow."
"Your eyes belong in the things of dreams."
"Your heart will always bring me home."
"You eat like it's the end of the world, and you know it."
"You'd think being that charming would get exhausting."
"You should have made popcorn for the show."
"You deal with the redhead, while I deal with the blonde."
"You and I both deserve a vacation after this."
"You'll never be an early bird, but I still love you."
"You give the best kisses, and make the best coffee."
"You and I are witnessing strangeness with our breakfast today."
"Your best man is crazy, but it's hard not to love him."
"You're in for a treat tonight."
"Your lips are my only wish. (๐Ÿ‹)
"You always know when something's wrong."
"Your talks should include pie. Then I'd be less nervous."
"Your penis jokes inspire me to make better penis jokes.
"Your voice is my favorite song."
"You'd think by now your love of cake wouldn't surprise me."
"Your flirty ex is too much for Ethan to handle."
"Your blue eyes will bring me back to your lips every single time."
"You better drive this car like you stole it!"
"You'll pay my bail money when I strangle him, right?"
"You can turn me on anytime." (๐Ÿ‹)
"You look pretty amazing in white."
"You and I both know he needs all the friends he can get right now."
"You slept through the entire good news."
"You're still my favorite place to lay my head."
"You know that our viewers will always ask dirty questions."
"Your version of heaven has seven ways to cook beef."
"Your weird taste in movies makes me fall asleep."
"You'll wish I had just kept my big mouth shut."
"Your hands are magical thingy things." (๐Ÿ‹)
"Your hangover cure is almost as great as black coffee. Almost."
"You and I should've probably just let him sleep."
"You and I need less drama in our lives."
"You'll never believe what happened next."
"You'll wish our arms were strong enough to hold him forever."
"You're not the only one who has been hanging on to painful secrets."
"You're too sexy to leave alone when we shower." (๐Ÿ‹)
"You will be the only alarm clock that I'll ever need."
"You probably should just finally ask him."
"You just gave me the best birthday gift. Ever." (๐Ÿ‹)
"Your arms were made for giving and receiving hugs."
"You paint like Rembrandt. Just with less skill and more stick figures."
"Your name by any other name is still...just your name."
"Your pep talks need work, but he loves you all the same."
"You and your love of potentially giving me heat stroke is kind of sweet."
"You've turned the coffee maker against me. This is why I hate mornings."
"You and I both knew this might happen."
"You should have texted about two minutes earlier."
"You do realize that all of the black coffee in the world won't fix this."
"You're worth more to me than a million Hunters."
"You and I have the best friends...ever."
"You know, he was right about make up sex being awesome." (๐Ÿ‹)
"You ought to be in pictures. As long as your flamingo shorts are involved."
"You're going to break his heart, but still try to be there for him."
"You were right about telling him, but the pain in his eyes I'll never forget."
"You said to be I really tried to be."
"You know I should start to check who's there before I open our front door."
"You can't help that you have the softest lap in the world to sleep on."
"You're not strong enough to contain the excitement of that little pug."
"Your love of candy will be the death of us all."
"You've always been such a sexy little glitch." (?)
"You realize that taxes have never ever been fun, right?"
"Your yawns are contagious, but so are your hugs."
"Your powers of organization will help me survive this wedding."
"Your kisses are worth all of this craziness."
"You drink like a fish. If fish were adorable and impossibly loud."
"You're too wonderful for words. Believe me, I've been trying for hours.
"Your heart is the only treasure that I want."
"You're my everything."
"You will always be home to me."
"You know, the Q and A might end up as long as the book."
"Your questions answered. Well, at least the ones asked before the deadline."

"Your blood pressure isn't built for this much stress."

1.3K 62 22
By Enterthetadpole

-Mark's POV-

"More complicated?" I asked as I paced back and forth in front of Hunter's condo. "What do you me? Jack, what's going on?"

The phone was almost uncomfortably close to my ear as I heard him breathing in and out.

"Did something happen?" I asked, my chest feeling suddenly tight. "Jack?"

"He's come to some decision," Jack said, his voice strained on the other end. "About being in love. He left about five minutes ago. I'm not sure where he's headed."

"Being in love?" I repeated, and I looked around almost dreading to see Hunter's car pull into the parking lot. "Did he tell you who he was in love with?"

"No," Jack replied, his tone almost apologetic. "I never was able to get the conversation to head that way. He's...struggling about his feelings. Said that he's in love, but doesn't think that he has a right to be. He wanted to talk to me about how to get over being in love with someone."

There was a almost erie silence between us for a few moments, and other than the wind around me I couldn't hear anything else.

"What did you tell him?"

" can, but that it's really hard. I'm worried about him, Mark. He wasn't acting like himself at all. He was almost in tears and I could tell that he was struggling to keep himself together."

My mind was racing at this. I had only seen Hunter act like that one other time, and it was right after I had told him that we couldn't date. In the back of my mind I could see the both of us, about eight years younger, our baby faces reflecting the light of the television set in the living room we shared. The way his smile melted away when I told him that it wouldn't work out.

"Mark, are you still there?"

In a flash I was back in bright sunlight and holding the phone next to my ear, Jack so painfully far away, but I was longing to hold him.

"This isn't the first time he has acted this way, is it?"

I took a deep breath, and exhaled.

"No, it's not." I replied. "When I get home, we need to talk. Were you able to get a hold of Wade?"

"Yeah, he's calling at about 8pm."

I heard a car door slam, and saw Felix stepping out of a taxi. He looked incredibly disheveled, but his smile was radiant. I felt my heart twist in my chest when I saw him carrying red roses in his hands. He turned to face me as the taxi drove off, his face full of confusion, but still headed towards me anyway.

"Felix just got here," I said to Jack over the phone. "I'll hopefully be back with him in a bit. I'll keep you posted."

"Ok. I love you."

"I love you too."

Felix reached me in the next minute or two, his blue eyes narrowed in annoyance.

"What are you doing here?" he asked.

"I came to try to talk you out of telling Hunter about your feelings," I replied, trying my best to keep the conversation as casual as I could. "I think that you're making a mistake, Felix."

His face immediately began to turn red as he glared at me.

"I'm able to make my own decisions," Felix began, his anger very clear though I was impressed by him keeping himself from yelling. "I love him and I can't wait for our dinner tomorrow to -"

"Dinner?" I asked, my brain reeling by this information. "What dinner?"

He gave a deep sigh, apparently irritated with himself about letting this information slip out.

"Hunter invited me here tomorrow night for dinner," he continued. "He texted me that he really needed to talk to me about something important. I tried to get him to just tell me over the phone, or in text, but he refused. Said that it was something he needed me to know in...person."

I felt my heart beating fast again as I looked at him closely in the eyes. Felix's pulled away from my gaze and looked down at the roses in his right hand, as if thinking something over in his mind. Then after another moment, he looked back at me, his eyes brimming with sudden tears.

"He's going to break up with me, isn't he?"

I sighed and took a step towards him. He didn't move away.

"Mark," he said, his face very serious. "If you know something about what he's doing, I think that I have a right to -"

"Yes, I think that he is," I said quickly. "He and I talked last night about a lot of things, and he thinks that he isn't being fair to you, because he has feelings for someone else."

Felix glanced hack down at his right hand again, and I could see his slender fingers tighten around the stems of the roses.

"I knew that already," he said, so quiet that I barely heard him.

"What?" I replied, much louder than I meant. "You...knew about it?"

Felix took a deep breath as he looked back up at me.

"I had an idea that something was going on. He's been really distracted lately, and he told me that he's had a lot on his mind. Plus, the way that he looks at you when he doesn't realize that I'm watching. It's obvious that he still has feelings for you."

The pained look in his eyes was almost too much to bare.

So, it is me. At least, Felix thinks that it is too.

"I'm not interested in -"

"I know you're not," Felix said simply. "You and Jack are about as close to perfect for each other as possible. It's kind of sickening how great you both are together."

I smiled, in spite of myself at this.

Then Felix dropped the roses and rushed forward. He hugged me so tightly that I felt like my lungs were going to explode. I reached up and wrapped my arms around him and hugged him back. I could feel him as he was struggling not to cry, but he was losing the battle.

"I'm sorry, Fe," I said quietly as he cried. "If we could do anything to help, you know that we would."

With these words, Felix suddenly pulled away, looking at me as intently as I had ever seen him look at me before.

"What's wrong?" I asked, as I felt my heart beating fast, yet again.

"I think that there is a way that you and Jack can help," he replied, his blue eyes, slightly desperate. "Let's head back to your house and I'll explain."

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