Avenger Preferences/Scenarios

By XXanimeseeker22XX

1.3M 25.7K 2.3K

***I completed this story. Started in 2016, so the grammar throughout will change. For the better? I'm not su... More

How you two know one another
You tell him a secret/bad or sad memory
Your First Dance Together
Your First Kiss
First I love you's
You're sleepy
He gets jealous
He Gets Hurt
You Get Hurt
What he likes about you and What you like about him
You're feeling insecure
You catch/see them in an embarrassing position
He finds out your secret hobby
First Big Fight
Patching Things Up
You both get caught
The Morning After
Something of his you like to wear or have/Something of yours he has
You're Drunk
Who You Hang Out With When They're Busy
Pickup Line Fail
A Private/Relaxing Moment
Facing Fears
Coming to the Rescue
Mission Together
Your Song
You Get Scared/Afraid
You Can't Sleep
He Can't Sleep
You Break a Bone
Your Birthday
When You Both Get Nervous
Seeing You In a Swimsuit
Accidents Happen
Pillow Fight!
Date Night
You're Embarrassed/Pranked
Seeing Old Scars
Operation B.A.B.Y. - Steve's Chapter
Operation B.A.B.Y. - Tony's Chapter
Operation B.A.B.Y. - Bruce's Chapter
Operation B.A.B.Y. - Thor's Chapter
Operation B.A.B.Y. - Loki's Chapter
Operation B.A.B.Y. - Clint's Chapter
Operation B.A.B.Y. - Bucky's Chapter
Operation B.A.B.Y. - Sam's Chapter
Nightmare Gone Bad
Snow Day
Waking Up to You
Waking Up to Him
You Hear Him Talking About You
Stressed Out
Saying Goodbye for a Mission
A Call While Away
Using His Weapon
Training Together
He Needs Reassuring/Comforting
It Was All A Misunderstanding
Thoughts After Meeting for the First Time
Code Word/Phrase
You're Kidnapped
They Come to the Rescue
You Almost Die
Waking Up
Hallmark moment
Side Affects of the Kidnapping
When They Found Out You Sleep with a Stuffed Animal
You Catch Them Staring
You Think You're Losing Them
His Surprise for You
When They Tease You
What he likes about you and What you like about him
When You Tease Him
He's Drunk
They Accidentally Scare/Intimidate You
His Birthday
Something About Him That Bugs You
Something About You That Bugs Him
Cute Habits
Something You Do That Turns Him On
Something He Does That Turns You On
He Stands Up For You
Happy Halloween
Sensitive Subject
If They Had Met You Homeless
Happy Thanksgiving
Christmas with Steve Rogers - Cookies
Christmas with Tony Stark - Shopping
Christmas with Bruce Banner - Decorating the Tree
Christmas with Thor Odinson - Gift Giving
Christmas with Loki Laufeyson - Caught in the Snow
Christmas with Clint Barton - Ugly Sweater
Christmas with James "Bucky" Barnes - Sick
Christmas With Sam - Hot Cocoa
They Smack Your Butt
When He Realized He Loved You
When You Realized You loved Him
Casual Day Out Together
Stuck Inside Together
Happy Valentines Day
Body Swap
The Baby Talk
The Avenger He's Jealous Of
A What?!
Their Reaction to Your Suicide
Rainy Day
Your Favorite Picture of You Both
His Favorite Secret Moment of You
His Love Letter to You
A Not So Sober Confession
His Favorite Personality Trait of Yours
Your Secret place
Favorite Type of Hug
The Song That Reminds Him of You
The Songs That Remind You of Him
They Give You a Massage
The Song That Sets The Mood
I Promise. . .
Song That Makes Him Upset/Sad
The Type of Boyfriend He Is
How He Knows You're Mad and What He Does to Fix it
What Sex Would Include
What Your Family Would Think of Him
Midnight Dance
It Hurts
Love Quote
Public Display of Affection
The Teams Nicknames For You
Something You've Said That Made Them Feel Better
Soulmate Alternate Universe - Steve's Chapter
Soulmate Alternate Universe - Tony's Chapter
Soulmate Alternate Universe - Bruce's Chapter
Soulmate Alternate Universe - Thor's Chapter
Soulmate Alternate Universe - Loki's Chapter
Soulmate Alternate Universe - Clint's Chapter
Soulmate Alternate Universe - Bucky's Chapter
Soulmate Alternate Universe - Sam's Chapter
Something You do That Takes His Breath Away
You Show Him Up
He's Jealous Of Another Avenger Before The Two Of You Date
His Reaction To Your Cooking
You Watch Him Train
Just For You
Photo-Booth Moments
Late Night Musings
Who Had a Crush On You When You Were Single
They Miss You
Would You Survive Thanos' Snap?
Who You Had A Crush On Before You Started Dating
Defender or Protector?
Panic Attack
If They Were Your Brother
What He Does to Make You Feel Better After a Bad Day
He Hears You Singing
Your Favorite Supernatural Creature
Something He Does That Takes Your Breath Away
As An Old Couple
Shy and Gentle
His Reaction To Your New Haircut/Hair Style
They Find Out You Practice Witchcraft
Alpha/Omega Roles
You Accidentally Text The Wrong Avenger
He Tries To Cook For You
With Your Legs Wrapped Around His Waist...
A Lost Letter From Home
He Sings/Hums to You
You Show Up All Dressed Up
Finding Out You Can Understand/Communicate With Animals
When He's Exhausted After Work
Waking Up in the Hospital
Anniversary Date Location
You are a Soothsayer
What Supernatural Figure Would You Both Be?
He Discovers You Have Superpowers
Worst Nightmare(Nightmare That They Die)
Will You...? - Steve's Chapter
Will You...? - Tony's Chapter
Will You...? - Bruce's Chapter
Will You...? - Thor's Chapter
Will You...? - Loki's Chapter
Will You...? - Clint's Chapter
Will You...? - Bucky's Chapter
Will You...? - Sam's Chapter
First Look (His Reaction to Seeing You In Your Dress)
Walking Down the Aisle
The Vows
The Venue Location and Colors
Wedding Song
First Dance
Honeymoon Destination
Surprises and Decisions
Talking to the Baby Bump
Finding Out the Baby(s) Gender
Pregnancy Symptoms
The Nursery
Meeting Your Baby

Kill It!

5K 120 43
By XXanimeseeker22XX

Steve Rogers

         It would have been a peaceful, almost perfect day if it weren't for the eight-legged creature currently trapping you in your bedroom. You couldn't kill it being far too scared of the small spider to even consider going near it to do so. You couldn't take your eyes away from the bug either because in your mind if you did it would crawl away and hide in something of yours just to scare you later. So, like any sane person would do you screamed bloody murder causing Steve to come running up to the room in a panic. "What's wrong?!" He demanded and you watched and he walked right over the spider ignoring it completely. "That's what's wrong, kill it!" You shouted pointing nervously down at the doorway where the spider still sat calmly. "A spider? Of all things to scream over, fine." He laughed, grabbed some wadded up toilet paper, and squashed the bug then flushed it down the drain. "Thank you." You whispered and he hugged you. "Oh, and don't think I didn't hear that laugh. I will find something that scares you and be sure to laugh at you then." You huffed. "I'm sure, do you want to come with me to the kitchen? I was going to make something to eat before you screamed." You nodded and happily went with him as if nothing had happened.
Tony Stark

       Spider. The very word made you shiver with both fear and disgust, for good reason too. There have been one too many times where those eight legs invaded your personal space and many more times they had humiliated you. Making you a laughing stock among your friends as a child and making you speechless in fear as an adult. Sitting every still on the wall right in front of your dresser where all of your clothing was sat the devil. To you, this spider was huge, menacing, and glaring at you. "T-Tony!" You stammered away from the dresser on weak legs as you called out to him. "What's up, Sweet Cheeks?" He said with a stretch coming from down the hall. "Please, for the love of all things holy, kill that thing!" You pointed shakily at the dresser where the spider had moved ever so slightly up the wall when you had looked at Tony. "I swear, I told you they won't hurt you." He said sarcastically which earned him both a harsh glare and a hard smack against his shoulder. "I didn't ask you that, I asked for you to kill it!" You snapped and he sighed but did as he was instructed to do. "If it makes you feel any better, you're still adorable to me." You rolled your eyes and went back to your dresser to find some clothes for the morning. "It doesn't now leave me alone I have things to get done." You huffed pulling out a black shirt before feeling Tony kiss your cheek. "Whatever you say, Sweet Cheeks." He smacked your butt before strutting out of the room.
Bruce Banner

         You could stand them, well, as long as they were clear on the other side of the room and nowhere near you. Then, and only then, would you be alright with them living? Although you spent most of your time dividing your attention between the bug and the work you were doing because you couldn't stand the thought of losing sight of the spider only to see it reappear near you. It's happened. This spider had spent its day tormenting you, waiting for you to look away for even a second so it could move a little closer each time. "Hey, um, Brucie?" You muttered, eyes firmly connected with the small for on the wall as it moved. Bruce hadn't responded and the spider was only getting closer making your body break out into a cold sweat. "Bruce!" You snapped and the man looked up from his papers. "What did you need? I am very busy-" "Kill it! Please, I can't... .I, please?" You stammered pointing out the spider as it stopped moving just next to where you were. "Please, oh gracious it's going to jump on me!" You panicked but because you were so afraid you couldn't move from the situation. Bruce was nice enough to take care of it quickly seeing how distressed you were about the spider being so close to you. "I didn't know you were so scared of spiders." He said and you shrugged. "I don't usually have a problem as long as they stay away from me, like, across the room away but I'd prefer across the country." You sighed sinking into your chair realizing now just how stiff you were. "Well, I'll be sure to kill all of them for you." He offered and you nodded with a grateful smile.

Thor Odinson

         The lords know how creepy those small, sometimes furry things can be. Spiders never bothered you much but they were certainly on the list of things you would least like to encounter up close. You didn't like the way they scurried or how they could be right above you hanging carelessly on the ceilings. You had been spending time with Thor in the mansion, sitting in the old library reading passages to one another when a small bit of movement caught your attention. You didn't think much about it but when the small little bug came into your view you let out a small stifled scream and jumped back quickly startling Thor. "Ah, my gracious! Kill that small vermin, it is terrifying." You clutched your chest heaving. Thor laughed picking up the spider in his hand, "Why would I kill it? It hasn't done anything to us." You narrowed your eyes at him. "I do not care, at the very least get rid of the thing." You waved your hand but refused to take your eyes off of Thor's hand where the spider was resting. "You cannot be afraid of something so small, could you?" "I most certainly can be, and I am, now if you don't mind I am going to get some fresh air." You stormed away from him. He found you later on that night after you had cooled off and you forgave him for being so insensitive.
Loki Laufeyson

           You were scared of plenty, like losing Loki or dying suddenly but there was one thing that scared you a little more than those. It was irrational they said, it didn't make sense because they were so small comparatively but that doesn't matter. Size doesn't matter, if it is scary then it is and no amount of rational thought will make sense in those moments. You had been training with Loki, something you two did when you were bored most of the time when the small but noticeable bug scampered up the wall nearby. You took notice immediately and with the smack, you received from Loki as you had become distracted with the spider didn't take your attention off of that bug. "Spider, Loki kill it!" You begged as you took many steps away from the wall the spider sat on to put some distance between you. "This again?" He glanced at the bug and then back at you. "Fine." He squashed the spider easily before turning to you. "Would you like to continue?" He suggested and you shook your head. "Can we head outside?" You were currently fixed on the squished spider remnants. "Come then, we should hurry before the sun sets without us." He said taking your arm and making you follow him. At first, he would tease you about this fear but eventually, he simply wanted to make it better, to keep you from feeling that sort of paralyzing fear that made you freeze up as you did. He was always understanding even if being misunderstood himself.
Clint Barton

        You liked to think you were pretty tough, having been through and seen things not even a nightmare could put into perspective but you did have one thing. One small and creepy thing, that, for lack of better words, freaked you out! You turned into a terrible scared-y cat unable to move and hardly able to speak with fear that you would start screaming or crying. Admittedly not your best moments but everyone had that one thing that reduced them to tears because they are so scared they can't handle it. You stared at the television in disbelief, Clint sitting next to you paying more attention to his phone as he played some game on the device. "Clint?" You nudged him but he only grunted. "Clint, there's a spider on the TV will you kill it?" You refused to look away until the spider was taken care of. "Goddammit, Clint would you please kill the stupid spider!!" You exploded making the man next to your jump, startled. "Fine, you don't need to give me a freaking heart attack." He huffed and destroyed the little spider with a paper towel before discarding it in the trash bin. "Better you big baby?" He teased and you glared at him. "Baby? Clint Barton, did you just call me a baby?" You scowled and he laughed. "I'm only teasing!" He said leaning back into the couch. "I don't think it's very funny, now would you please put that damn phone away so we can watch this movie?" He placed his arm over the back of the couch behind you and motioned with his other hand for you to start. You would never look at that spot on the TV the same.
James "Bucky" Barnes

          It was very possible that whatever God or multiple of them liked to torture you whenever you were feeling safe. From things that had scarred you both mentally and physically to the everyday scare, they were sadistic really. You were a little bitter, yes, but for good reason. You could just see it, right out of the corner of your eye crawling up your living room wall with its eight legs scurrying creepily over the smooth white surface. "Lord, not a spider. C'mon! I've placed out everything I could to get rid of those damn things!" You shouted throwing your hands up but making sure not to remove your eyes from the spider as it made a stop near a bookshelf. "Bucky!" You shouted from your frozen guard position on the love seat. "Yeah?" He came into the room just in time to hear you cursing at an invisible person, or so he thought. "Kill that spider, it's next to the bookcase. It's being creepy and I don't like it!" You grumbled pointing where you were staring. "You're not afraid of me but you're afraid of a tiny harmless spider?" You laughed watching him kill the spider. "Don't be ridiculous, you're a teddy bear and that thing is Satan sent to bring us both fear and torment as long as it still lives." You sighed finally able to relax again. Bucky chuckled but took a seat next to you. "A teddy bear?" You nodded and shoved him back on the couch. "Yes, now cuddle me I need it after that stupid thing tried to kill me!" You laughed at how dramatic you sounded but enjoyed cuddling Bucky despite that.

Sam Wilson

         You never tried to be tough, you never claimed to be and you didn't care what others thought about that. Spider's, it was the single word that brought you to tears and panic. You swore up and down that no matter how many times you had seen one or, hell, even thought of one it made you squirm and cringe. You began to tremble and shake, you couldn't speak properly if at all so when you were trapped within the bathroom with one of these furry-legged tormentors you screamed. "S...SAM!!!" You now stood in the bathtub as far away from the creature as possible as he came running from the bedroom. "What happened?! Are you alright?!" The screaming caused him to panic and fling open the door. "Spider, door..." You mumbled, eyes glued to the creature just chilling on the floor near Sam's foot. He took a second and then began to laugh. "You screamed because of that small thing?" When he noticed the trembling in your body he stopped joking and killed the spider. "Hey, shh, it's alright now I killed it and it's gone." He gathered you into his arms and held you tight. Your trembling slowed and eventually stopped and you came back to your senses. "I told you ages ago I was, that I was scared of them and I meant that. I wasn't joking, they scare me." You were near in tears and he kissed your forehead. "I didn't mean to laugh at you, I didn't think about how badly they bothered you. Here, how about we go back to the bedroom and watch something lighthearted and fun? Would that help some?" You nodded slowly and he smiled. "Alright, come on, Babygirl."

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