Avenger Preferences/Scenarios

By XXanimeseeker22XX

1.3M 25.7K 2.3K

***I completed this story. Started in 2016, so the grammar throughout will change. For the better? I'm not su... More

How you two know one another
You tell him a secret/bad or sad memory
Your First Dance Together
Your First Kiss
First I love you's
You're sleepy
He gets jealous
He Gets Hurt
You Get Hurt
What he likes about you and What you like about him
You're feeling insecure
You catch/see them in an embarrassing position
He finds out your secret hobby
First Big Fight
Patching Things Up
You both get caught
The Morning After
Something of his you like to wear or have/Something of yours he has
You're Drunk
Who You Hang Out With When They're Busy
Pickup Line Fail
A Private/Relaxing Moment
Facing Fears
Coming to the Rescue
Mission Together
Your Song
You Get Scared/Afraid
You Can't Sleep
He Can't Sleep
You Break a Bone
Your Birthday
When You Both Get Nervous
Seeing You In a Swimsuit
Accidents Happen
Pillow Fight!
Date Night
You're Embarrassed/Pranked
Seeing Old Scars
Operation B.A.B.Y. - Steve's Chapter
Operation B.A.B.Y. - Tony's Chapter
Operation B.A.B.Y. - Bruce's Chapter
Operation B.A.B.Y. - Thor's Chapter
Operation B.A.B.Y. - Loki's Chapter
Operation B.A.B.Y. - Clint's Chapter
Operation B.A.B.Y. - Bucky's Chapter
Operation B.A.B.Y. - Sam's Chapter
Nightmare Gone Bad
Snow Day
Waking Up to You
Waking Up to Him
You Hear Him Talking About You
Stressed Out
Saying Goodbye for a Mission
A Call While Away
Using His Weapon
Training Together
He Needs Reassuring/Comforting
It Was All A Misunderstanding
Thoughts After Meeting for the First Time
Code Word/Phrase
You're Kidnapped
They Come to the Rescue
You Almost Die
Waking Up
Hallmark moment
Side Affects of the Kidnapping
When They Found Out You Sleep with a Stuffed Animal
You Catch Them Staring
You Think You're Losing Them
His Surprise for You
When They Tease You
What he likes about you and What you like about him
When You Tease Him
He's Drunk
They Accidentally Scare/Intimidate You
His Birthday
Something About Him That Bugs You
Something About You That Bugs Him
Cute Habits
Something You Do That Turns Him On
Something He Does That Turns You On
He Stands Up For You
Happy Halloween
Sensitive Subject
If They Had Met You Homeless
Happy Thanksgiving
Christmas with Steve Rogers - Cookies
Christmas with Bruce Banner - Decorating the Tree
Christmas with Thor Odinson - Gift Giving
Christmas with Loki Laufeyson - Caught in the Snow
Christmas with Clint Barton - Ugly Sweater
Christmas with James "Bucky" Barnes - Sick
Christmas With Sam - Hot Cocoa
They Smack Your Butt
When He Realized He Loved You
When You Realized You loved Him
Casual Day Out Together
Stuck Inside Together
Happy Valentines Day
Body Swap
The Baby Talk
The Avenger He's Jealous Of
A What?!
Their Reaction to Your Suicide
Rainy Day
Your Favorite Picture of You Both
His Favorite Secret Moment of You
His Love Letter to You
A Not So Sober Confession
His Favorite Personality Trait of Yours
Your Secret place
Favorite Type of Hug
The Song That Reminds Him of You
The Songs That Remind You of Him
They Give You a Massage
The Song That Sets The Mood
I Promise. . .
Song That Makes Him Upset/Sad
The Type of Boyfriend He Is
How He Knows You're Mad and What He Does to Fix it
What Sex Would Include
What Your Family Would Think of Him
Midnight Dance
Kill It!
It Hurts
Love Quote
Public Display of Affection
The Teams Nicknames For You
Something You've Said That Made Them Feel Better
Soulmate Alternate Universe - Steve's Chapter
Soulmate Alternate Universe - Tony's Chapter
Soulmate Alternate Universe - Bruce's Chapter
Soulmate Alternate Universe - Thor's Chapter
Soulmate Alternate Universe - Loki's Chapter
Soulmate Alternate Universe - Clint's Chapter
Soulmate Alternate Universe - Bucky's Chapter
Soulmate Alternate Universe - Sam's Chapter
Something You do That Takes His Breath Away
You Show Him Up
He's Jealous Of Another Avenger Before The Two Of You Date
His Reaction To Your Cooking
You Watch Him Train
Just For You
Photo-Booth Moments
Late Night Musings
Who Had a Crush On You When You Were Single
They Miss You
Would You Survive Thanos' Snap?
Who You Had A Crush On Before You Started Dating
Defender or Protector?
Panic Attack
If They Were Your Brother
What He Does to Make You Feel Better After a Bad Day
He Hears You Singing
Your Favorite Supernatural Creature
Something He Does That Takes Your Breath Away
As An Old Couple
Shy and Gentle
His Reaction To Your New Haircut/Hair Style
They Find Out You Practice Witchcraft
Alpha/Omega Roles
You Accidentally Text The Wrong Avenger
He Tries To Cook For You
With Your Legs Wrapped Around His Waist...
A Lost Letter From Home
He Sings/Hums to You
You Show Up All Dressed Up
Finding Out You Can Understand/Communicate With Animals
When He's Exhausted After Work
Waking Up in the Hospital
Anniversary Date Location
You are a Soothsayer
What Supernatural Figure Would You Both Be?
He Discovers You Have Superpowers
Worst Nightmare(Nightmare That They Die)
Will You...? - Steve's Chapter
Will You...? - Tony's Chapter
Will You...? - Bruce's Chapter
Will You...? - Thor's Chapter
Will You...? - Loki's Chapter
Will You...? - Clint's Chapter
Will You...? - Bucky's Chapter
Will You...? - Sam's Chapter
First Look (His Reaction to Seeing You In Your Dress)
Walking Down the Aisle
The Vows
The Venue Location and Colors
Wedding Song
First Dance
Honeymoon Destination
Surprises and Decisions
Talking to the Baby Bump
Finding Out the Baby(s) Gender
Pregnancy Symptoms
The Nursery
Meeting Your Baby

Christmas with Tony Stark - Shopping

2.3K 78 8
By XXanimeseeker22XX

     It was shopping time, a time where people tend to lose a part of themselves in the rush to get the last of whatever items they so desperately need. It was this reason that you preferred to stay inside and away from the crowds but you hadn't had the chance until now to get out and shop. You put your favorite sweater on and a pair of loose jeans to top off the 'I really don't want to be out here' look. You brushed your hair before putting it up and looking yourself over one last time in a full-body mirror on the closet door.

"Even in that hideous Christmas-y sweater you still look incredible." You scowled narrowing your eyes at him.

"This happens to be my favorite sweater, Stark." You grabbed your bag from your bed and stepped up to the door he now blocked.

"Where are you headed in such a hurry?" He gave you a small grin, one you did not return.

"Heading out to get my shopping done, why? Did you want to tag along?" He stepped aside and you went through and towards the door. He followed suit.

"I didn't know you knew about Christmas." He wasn't really asking more like pondering the statement out loud instead of in his head.

"I'm from England but that doesn't mean I'm an idiot. I know what Christmas is but over there we don't really celebrate it, I mean we had a sort of Christmas where we got together but we didn't really get any gifts." What you said was like blasphemy to his ears.

"No gifts! How did you survive?!" He was being melodramatic as he plopped into your car on the passengers side.

"Stark, Shut up." You rolled your eyes but you couldn't help but laugh.

By the time you made it to the shop you had been cut off twice, almost run off the road and really pretty angry. You grabbed the trolley and sighed tossing your bag onto it without much thought.

"Why'd you come along again?" You asked glancing over at Tony who was looking through some goods that lined the shelves on that particular aisle.

"Can't I spend my day with my girlfriend?" He grinned and you shrugged.

"Here push the trolley while I pick out some things from the shelves." He gave you a strange look and you sighed, "The cart, this damn metal thing I'm pushing around!"

He laughed but you weren't laughing, this was stressful, annoying, and infuriating. The people around here were much more angry than usual and it only made you feel worse. You weren't even half-way done when you started to get a splitting migraine but you couldn't help but enjoy the time with Tony. It was strange because in all the times you've been out shopping like this he never cared to come along but now he did?

"Tony?" You were facing away from him towards a shelf full of miscellaneous items when you called out to him but got no answer.

"Tony?" You looked back and in your face was a very large, very fluffy stuffed Christmas Bear. You had to admit it was adorable, with it's cute little hat and short little arms.

"Do you like it?" His question was so nonchalant that it took you off guard but you nodded slowly.

"I do but you don't have-" He placed the bears fluffy paw on your mouth and you stopped talking.

"No, I don't but I will and I am." He smiled when he watched you hold the large bear in your arms. Your day was certainly getting better now.

Two a half hours of waiting in the check out line and you were heading home, ready to flop on the couch and relax. Tony was chatting away in the passenger seat, talking mostly about new inventions and things him and Bruce had come up with within the last few days. You nodded, listening mostly to him and watching the road when small flakes of snow fluttered down onto your cars windscreen.

"Tony, look, it's snowing!" You loved snow, especially since you've not seen too much of it. Mostly rain, rain and more rain but snow was so much nicer. It made the word look like a wonderland and so calm and serine when it coated the ground.

"It's New York it snow plenty." You pouted at his lack of concern for the snow but you knew he was right. It didn't make it less interesting or lovely for you but for him it was just weather.

"Come on." You groaned dragging all of your now purchased and bagged items into the Stark Tower Elevator before letting it rest on the floor for the trip up.

After putting things away and finally sitting down on the couch in the entertainment room you caught a glimpse of the snow outside. You couldn't resist anymore and you had to go out in it. Grabbing your thickest coat and a pair of boots you stepped out onto the tallest balcony that over-looked the city.

"This is too lovely." You lulled catching a few snow flakes in your hand before they melted due to its heat.

"It's alright, what are you doing out here? It's cold and you'll get sick, you know." Tony said slipping his arms around your waist and resting his head on your shoulder.

"Tony! Don't scare me like that and you know why I came out here, besides, it's not that cold now." You leaned back into him, the warm he gave off comforting your chilled body.

"Hey, come on let's get inside. We can do whatever you want as long as Hot Chocolate's involved and some cuddling~" He purred and you laughed turning around and out of his grip to smack him on the arm.

"Come on, I want some hot chocolate!" You grinned, child-like, in your eagerness to get inside for the drink.

Sitting back down on the couch after removing your damp boots and jacket you waited for Tony to come back from getting your drink, new teddy bear friend on your left. You loved this time of year, all of the snow and, when not shopping, how cheerful people can be. Spending time with Tony, even as little as you do was something you wouldn't change for the world.

"This is wonderful isn't it, buddy?" You patted the bears head.

"Talking to stuffed animals now, what about me? I mean I'm so much better looking and I can actually talk back." He handed you the warm drink and sat next to you.

"I don't know he's pretty darn cute." You placed your cup down on the table in front of you two before grabbing the bear and wiggling it in front of Tony.

"Yeah, yeah whatever."

"Don't pout, you big baby." You laughed setting the bear down and cuddling against Tony's chest.

"I still like you more."


The quiet was both good and bad, with Tony. He was either planning something mean or something nice when he stopped talking and you were surely hoping for something nice this time because last time wasn't great and you ended up not talking to him for a week because of it. Why would anyone think that exploding sticky bombs are a good idea inside anyways?



"Merry Christmas."

"Merry Christmas, Stark." 

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